Foto simon bolivar 030310

The Liberator Timeline

  • Birth of Simon Bolivar

    Birth of Simon Bolivar
    Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Joined Movement

    Joined Movement
    Simon Bolivar joined the movement that would work towards Venezuela's independence.
  • Manifest of Cartagena

    Manifest of Cartagena
    Simon Bolivar travels from Curacao to Carthagena, and commisions against Spanish troops. Meanwhile, Bolivar expands his army.
  • Battle of Lastoguanes

    Battle of Lastoguanes
    Simon Bolivar issued his decree of "war to the death" and battle ensued at Lastoguanes.
  • Return to Caracas

    Return to Caracas
    After waging war at Lastoguanes, Simon Bolivar returns to Caracas to free Venezuela.
  • Bolivar Defeated in Venezuela

    Bolivar Defeated in Venezuela
    Venezuela is recaptured by the royalists and Bolivar is defeated.
  • Caracas retaken by Spaniards

    Caracas retaken by Spaniards
    The city of Caracas is reclaimed by the Spaniards
  • Bolivar Conquers Bogota

    Bolivar Conquers Bogota
    After establishing an army of approximately 200 men, Bolivar reconquers Bogota.
  • Bolivar's move and attempted assassination in Jamaica

    Bolivar's move and attempted assassination in Jamaica
    An attempt to end Simon Bolivar's life was made in May of 1814 in Jamaica. The assassin mistook Bolivar's secretary for Bolivar himself, and in turn killed the wrong person.
  • Bolivar on the Orinoco, joined by Paez

    Bolivar on the Orinoco, joined by Paez
    After defeating the royalists in Barcelona, Bolivar named headquarters on the Orinoco and joined Paez.
  • Bolivar surrenders power to Congress

    Bolivar surrenders power to Congress
    Bolivar surrendered his authority to Congress, before reorganizing troops and setting out from Angostura.
  • Bolivar presidency

    Bolivar presidency
    Bolivar is elected president of Gran Colombia.
  • Bolivar victory of Bojaca

    Bolivar victory of Bojaca
    Bolivar's victory of Bojaca led to the liberation of New Granada.
  • Battle of Carabobo and End of War/Independence of Venezuela

    Battle of Carabobo and End of War/Independence of Venezuela
    Bolivar shattered enemy armies during the Battle of Carabobo, which is considered to be the end of the war in Venezuela. Venezuela is guaranteed independence.
  • Battle of Pichincha

    Battle of Pichincha
    Bolivar fights the Battle of Pichincha and claims Ecuador as territory to New Columbia.
  • Bolivar defeats Spaniards with help of Peru forces

    Bolivar defeats Spaniards with help of Peru forces
    Bolivar leads Lima military forces to victory over the Spaniards.
  • Bolivia named after hero

    Bolivia named after hero
    Bolivia is named after Simon Bolivar.
  • Bolivar accepts presidency of Peru.

    Bolivar accepts presidency of Peru.
    Bolivar becomes the president of Peru.
  • Simon Bolivar death

    Simon Bolivar death
    Simon Bolivar dies by disease.