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Spain in the XIX century

  • Period: to


  • Manuel Godoy

    Manuel Godoy
    Manuel Godoy y Alvarez de Faria (Badajoz, May 12, 1767 - Paris, October 4, 1851) was a Spanish nobleman and politician, prime minister and favorite of Charles IV between 1792 and 1797, and again from 1801-1808. It was Duke of Alcudia and Swedish and Prince of Peace, for his negotiation of the Peace of Basel (1795), title it that years after Ferdinand and Godoy replace outlaw, and in exile, by the Italian Prince Bassano.
  • Abdication of Carlos IV and Motín Of Aranjuez

    Abdication of Carlos IV and Motín Of Aranjuez
    The Motin of Aranjuez was an uprising occurred on March 17-18, 1808 in the streets of this town Madrid. It triggered due to several causes, including the consequences of the defeat of Trafalgar which fell mainly in the lower classes. To this must be added the discontent of the nobility, impatience for reign of Fernando VII, the action of the officers of Napoleon and the intrigues of the Court, where opposition was creating a core around the Prince of Asturias, the future Ferdinand VII.
  • Constitution

    The Spanish Constitution of 1812, popularly known as Pepa, was enacted by the Parliament of Spain, collected extraordinary in Cadiz, March 19, 1812. It has given a great historical importance as it was the first constitution promulgated in Spain, besides being one of the most liberal of his time. Regarding the origin of his nickname, the Pepa, it is not clear yet, but it seems like an indirect after repeal to refer to it, because it was enacted the day of San José.
  • Fernando VII arrival

    Fernando VII arrival
    Son and successor of Charles IV and Maria Luisa of Parma, deposed by his supporters work in the Mutiny of Aranjuez, few monarchs enjoyed such confidence and initial popularity by the Spanish people. Forced to abdicate in Bayonne, spent the Revolutionary War prisoner Valençay, being recognized as the legitimate king of Spain by the various boards, the Council of Regency and Cortes of Cadiz.
  • Begining of the reign of Ferdinand VII

    Begining of the reign of Ferdinand VII
    Between 1814 and 1820 restored absolutism, repealing the Constitution of Cadiz and chasing liberals. After six years of war, the country and the Treasury were devastated, and successive governments failed to restore Fernandinos the situation.
    In 1820 a military uprising began the so-called Liberal Triennium, during which restored the Constitution and the decrees of Cadiz, producing a new confiscation.
  • José I

    José I
    In Spain, its proclamation as monarch was precipitated by the increase in violence following the episode of Uprising May 2 and ended a period of convulsions and political intrigue instigated by the Emperor Napoleon I's strategy for the abdication of the throne of the reigning dynasty of Carlos IV of Spain assuring the influence and primacy of the First French Empire Spanish and increasing dependence for the political, economic and military Bonapartist the detriment of their enemy nations.
  • Maria Cristina De Borbon-Dos Sicilias

    Maria Cristina De Borbon-Dos Sicilias
    Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was Queen of Spain for her marriage to King Ferdinand VII in 1829 and regent of Spain, between 1833 and 1840, during part of the minority of her daughter Queen Elizabeth II of Spain. His parents were Francis I of the Two Sicilies (1777-1830) King of the Two Sicilies between 1825 and 1830 and the Infanta Maria Isabel of Bourbon (1789-1848) daughter of Charles IV of Spain. He married in Aranjuez on December 11, 1829 with his uncle Fernando VII, becoming queen
  • The end of the reign of Fernando VII and is death

    The end of the reign of Fernando VII and is death
    The last phase of his reign, the call reestablishment, was characterized by fierce repression of the exalted, accompanied by a moderate or even absolutist political liberaldoctrinaria causing deep discontent in circles absolutist party that formed around the infant Carlos María Isidro. To this was added the problem of succession, laying the foundation of the First Carlist War, which erupt with the death of Fernando and the ascent to the throne of his daughter Isabel II.
  • New Constitution

    The Spanish Constitution of 1837 was enacted in Spain during the regency of María Cristina de Borbón. It was an initiative of the Progressive Party to approve a constitution of consensus with the Moderate Party to allow the alternation of the two liberal parties without change every time the government had to change the Constitution. Was in force until 1845, when the Moderate Party imposed its own Constitution.
  • Beginning of the reign of Isabel II

    Beginning of the reign of Isabel II
    During the early years of his reign, while Isabel was a child, the regency was assumed by his mother, Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, her reign would last until 1840 and would match Carlist War (1833-1840). From the October 17, 1840 until July 23, 1843 the regency was assumed by Gen. Baldomero Espartero, also finally was forced to step down. In order to avoid a third regency was decided to anticipate the coming of age of the queen of the 16 to 13 years.
  • Espartero

    Espartero Joaquín Fernández-Baldomero Alvarez de Toro was a Spanish general, who held the titles of Prince of Vergara, Duc de la Victoria, Duke of Morella, Luchana Count and Viscount de Banderas, all in return for his work in the field of battle, especially in the First Carlist War, where his military leadership Elizabethan or cristino was vital to the final victory. In addition, he served as Viceroy of Navarre (1836).
  • Civil Guard Creation

    Civil Guard Creation
    Given the serious public safety problem that existed in rural areas of Spain after the end of the First Carlist War against the Bourbon pretender, the first government after the regencies, Luis González Bravo, the Minister of the Interior was the Marquis de Peñaflorida, ordered in 1844 the creation of an armed force of double dependence, the European Gendarmerie style, creating this public safety by decree of 26 January.

    The Spanish Constitution of 1845 was the supreme law effective during the reign of Isabel II, which replaced the 1837 Constitution supreme law during his minority. The Constitution of 1845 was in force until the proclamation of the Spanish constitution of 1869, although there were several attempts to replace it in 1852 and during the progressive biennium (1854-1856). It was the Spanish doctrinaire constitutional expression.
  • Carlos María Isidro

    Carlos María Isidro
    Carlos was born in the Royal Palace in Madrid. Between 1808 and 1814 he lived in Valençay prisoner of Napoleon with his brothers. In 1814 he returned with the rest of the royal family in Madrid. In September 1816 he married his niece, the Infanta of Portugal Maria Francisca of Portugal (or of Braganza), daughter of King John VI of Portugal and Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon, sister. Remarried married Maria Theresa of Braganza, Princess of Beira, sister of his first wife and who had no offspring.
  • Tomás de Zumalacárregui

    Tomás de Zumalacárregui
    Born in the village of Ormaiztegui Arandi, family belonging to upper middle class, was the second youngest of eleven children of the marriage of Francisco Antonio and Ana Maria Zumalacárregui Múgica Imaz Altolaguirre. Interestingly one of his older brothers, Miguel Antonio, was one of the most prominent liberal politicians of the nineteenth and repression suffered by the absolutists.
  • Vicalvarada

    The Revolution of 1854, also known by the name of Vicalvarada-for having initiated the confrontation between the rebel troops under General Leopoldo O'Donnell and government troops near the village of Vicálvaro Madrid-was followed by a military uprising a popular uprising, which occurred between 28 June and 28 July 1854 during the reign of Isabel II. He put an end to the decade moderate (1844-1854) and gave way to progressive biennium (1854-1856).
  • O'Donnell General

    O'Donnell General
    On the death of Ferdinand VII in 1833, the First Carlist War between supporters of Ferdinand's daughter, Isabel II (Elizabethan) and his uncle, brother of Fernando VII, Carlos María Isidro de Borbón (Carlist). O'Donnell, who then occupied the rank of captain, lined up on the side Elizabethan despite having brothers and father in the Carlist. In 1839, he was appointed captain-general of Aragon, Valencia and Murcia.
  • Rafael Maroto

    Rafael Maroto
    At 18 he was involved in the conflict and Godoy campaigns known as War of the Oranges. He participated in the Spanish War of Independence, during which he was wounded and taken prisoner in Zaragoza. He fought in the war against the Chilean independence was defeated by the Army of the Andes led by Captain Argentine General José de San Martín in the Battle of Chacabuco in 1817. In Spain also participated in the First Carlist War and was a signer along with General Convention liberal Espartero.
  • General cabrera

    General cabrera
    He followed his mother willingly ecclesiastical career, starting early religious studies. In 1825 a family inheritance allowed him to enjoy an ecclesiastical benefice. The Bishop of Tortosa, Victor Damien Saez, former minister of Ferdinand VII, of railways absolutist convictions, declined ordering priest at his lack of religious vocation. He abandoned the habit to join the Carlist uprising of 1833, in favor of Carlos María Isidro suitor.
  • The end of the reign of Isabel II

    The end of the reign of Isabel II
    She faced the Revolution of 1868 (known as the Glorious), which forced her to leave Spain. Isabella II was exiled to France, where he was under Napoleon III and Eugenie, on June 25, 1870 in Paris abdicated in favor of his son, the future Alfonso XII. Meanwhile, thanks to the support of various groups in the government, Prince Amadeo of Savoy, a member of the Italian royal family, was chosen to replace her on the throne as Amadeo I of Spain.
  • General Serrano

    General Serrano
    Serrano participated prominently in the First Carlist War, rising quickly to merit combat. He was an aide to General Espoz and Mina during the year 1835, and his father, commanding general of Catalonia since 1836, earning the Distinguished Cross of San Fernando. By signing the Convention of Vergara, in 1839, as a colonel, and the following year rose to brigadier.
  • General Prim

    General Prim
    He joined the army in 1834 in the hands of his father who was in command of one of the companies facing the Carlists-in which the young Prim, with only nineteen, he enlisted as a soldier, but died soon victim of the cholera epidemic that year devastated the country.2 the company was part of the first battalion Elizabethan Catalonia, under Captain General of Catalonia and Manuel de Llauder Camins, entering combat on August 7, 1834.

    Triumphant Revolution of 1868, elections were held for a Constituent Assembly, celebrated on January 15, 1869, which dominated the winning parties in the revolution, as progressives reached 160 seats, the Union Liberal Democrats 80 and 40. Also got large number of deputies Republicans, 80, were in the minority and the Carlists, 36.
  • Amadeo I de Saboya

    Amadeo I de Saboya
    Amadeo Fernando Maria of Savoy was King of Spain between 1870 and 1873 with the name of Amadeo I, called the King's Men, and first Duke of Aosta. His reign in Spain, just over two years, was marked by political instability. The six cabinets that occurred during this period were not able to resolve the crisis, aggravated by the conflict for independence in Cuba, which had begun in 1868, and a new Carlist War, which began in 1872.
  • Práxedes Mateo Sagasta

    Práxedes Mateo Sagasta
    He returned to Spain after the Revolution of 1868, which meant the dethronement of Queen Elizabeth II and the beginning of the period known as Democratic Presidential term. He is a member of the Constitutional Party, formed after the death of Prim In 1871, during the reign of Amadeo of Savoy, was named president of the Council of Ministers. He chaired the Council of Ministers for the second time since September 1874 to the end of that year, in the months before the Bourbon restoration.
  • I Republic

    It was the political regime that existed in Spain since its proclamation by the Cortes on February 11, 1873, until December 29, 1874, when the pronouncement of General Martinez-Campos opened the Bourbon Restoration in Spain. In the first eleven months, four presidents of the executive branch, all the same Federal Republican, until the coup of General Pavia of January 3, 1874 ended the Federal Republic proclaimed in June 1873.
  • Nicolás Salmerón

    Nicolás Salmerón
    Dubbed as Nicolás María del Carmen, always complain about his childhood devoid of maternal affection, her mother died young and his upbringing became rigid hand of sisters. His wife, Catherine, try to give the love that was in its infancy.
    His older brother, Francisco was born in 1822.1 too liberal, was MP for the Constituency Almería in 1854 and Minister of Grace and Justice in conjunction with Joaquín Aguirre, and the Foreign Minister.
  • General Pavía

    General Pavía
    During the First Republic in battle against the Carlists from Navarra and cantonal movements in Andalusia, being appointed Captain General of New Castile during the presidency of Republican unitary Emilio Castelar, a president with whom he maintained a good relationship because they shared the idea that Spain should solve your problems with "order, unity and discipline", while the president believed that all action should be carried out within the law,
  • Arsenio Martínez-Campos Antón

    Arsenio Martínez-Campos Antón
    Martinez Campos was in favor of the Restoration of the Bourbons to the throne, but unlike Canovas del Castillo, he was not willing to wait for the peaceful political campaign winding down convert Spain into a monarchy. On 29 December 1874 the government, who suspected Martinez Campos, had decided banish. Aware, Avila simulated target, but went straight to Sagunto, Valencia alfonsinos required by for a decision.
  • Alfonso XII de Borbón

    Alfonso XII de Borbón
    The December 29, 1874 saw the restoration of the monarchy in ruling General Martinez Campos Segovia in Sagunto (Valencia) in favor of accession to the throne of Prince Alfonso. At that time, the head of state was General Serrano. The Head of Government was Sagasta. In January 1875 came to Spain and was proclaimed king before the Spanish Courts.
  • Antonio Cánovas del Castillo

    Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
    It was one of the most influential figures of the Spanish policy in the second half of the nineteenth century as the largest maker of the political system of the Restoration, becoming the leader of the Conservative party. It is considered one of the most brilliant political conservative contemporary Spanish history and criticized by his detractors by creating a false appearance of democracy by "shift parties" to suspend academic freedom in Spain or its position in favor of slavery .
  • Pablo Iglesias

    Pablo Iglesias
    One of the milestones in the life of Pablo Iglesias arrive on June 26, 1870, at which point you choose typographers Madrid along with two companions, as a delegate to the local council of the AIT. A plea to pacifism that has gone down in history not only of Spanish socialism as the first article published by Pablo Iglesias, but for being one of the first articles critical of the idea of war and the impact that they suffered the State and Working Class.
  • María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena (Regente Alfonso XIII)

    María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena (Regente Alfonso XIII)
    Daughter of Archduke Karl Ferdinand of Austria and Archduchess of Austria Francisca Isabel, was a second cousin of the emperors of Austria and Mexico: Franz Joseph and Maximilian I. Died Alfonso XII, held the regency during the minority of his son, King Alfonso XIII from 1885 to 1902. During her reign saw the Spanish-American War, in which Spain lost the last of its colonial possessions.