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Spain in 18th and 19th centuries.

  • Charles II's death.

    Charles II's death.
    Charles II died without a heir.
  • Reign Phillip V

    Reign Phillip V
  • Period: to

    Reign Philip V

  • War of Succesion (2)

    War of Succesion (2)
    Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia were opposed to Castilian domination so they supported Archduke Charles.
    Charles II in his first will wrote that the crown has to be given to Joseph I of Austria, but he died before Charles II's death.
  • Period: to

    War of Succession (1)

    Charles II died without a heir. In his will he gave the crown to the French prince Philip of Anjou. His grandfather declared that France and Spain will be united. A grand alliance of England, Holland, Prussia and Austria aimed to put the Archduke Charles of Austria on the Spanish throne because they were feared of the French power. Castilians supported Philip because the new royal house promised continuation of an imperial Spain ruled from Madrid.
  • Decretos de Nueva Planta

    Decretos de Nueva Planta
    The Decretos de Nueva Planta were a set of decrees issued by King Phillip V,winner of the War of Spanish Succession,by which were abolished laws and institutions of the Kingdom of Valencia,Kingdom of Aragon the Principality of Catalonia and the Kingdom of Mallorca.They were applied to the Crown of Castile,too.Due to them,the kingdoms became provincies.The Kingdom of Navarra,the Señorío of Vizcaya,Álava and Guipúzcoa maintained their own rules because they were loyal to the Bourbons in the S. War
  • Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Valencia and first Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Aragón

    Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Valencia and first Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Aragón
    It was a decree issued by Phillip V of Spain. They were cancelled the "Furs" and own institutions of both kingdoms, and from that date the Kingdom of Valencia and the Kingdom of Aragón were ruled from the laws of the Kingdom of Castille. The writting of this decree is attributed to Melchor Rafael de Macanaz ( picture )
  • Second Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Aragón

    In this second Decreto de Nueva Planta was decreed by the king Philip V to made the first one less hard to the aragoneses, in this one: the term of the Derecho Civil Aragonés was restored and the Tribunal del Real Erario, which is in charge of the control of the new taxes, was created.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    Philip became king of Spain with the condition that Spain and France will never be united. Spain forced to cede Flanders, Milan, Naples and Sardinia to the Austrians, Sicily to Savoy, and Menorca to England. The loss of a part of its national territory, Gibraltar, taken by force by the British in 1704.
  • Isabel of Farnese

    Isabel of Farnese
    Seven months later,however, the death of the young king recalled Philip V to the throne.During his later years,when he was nearly senile, she directed the whole policy of Spain so as to secure thrones in Italy for her sons. In 1731 she had the satisfaction of seeing her favorite son realized with the recognition by the powers in the Treaty of Vienna of her son Don Carlos (afterwards Charles III of Spain) as the Duke of Parma, and after the Treaty of Vienna (1738) his accession to the throne.
  • Period: to

    Isabel of Farnese(1)

    She was Queen consort of Spain who exerted great influence over Spain's foreign policy.The Triple Alliance thwarted her plans with British troops raiding Vigo,and at length in 1720 the allies made the banishment of Alberoni a condition of peace.Sicily also had to be evacuated and finally all her entreaties failed to prevent the abdication of Philip,who in 1724 gave up the throne in favour of her husband's firstborn heir(from the first marriage of Pilip V)and he retired to the palace of La Granja
  • Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Mallorca

    Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Kingdom of Mallorca
    The decree maintains civil, criminal and procedural law, as well as the Consulado del Mar, and the jurisdiction it exercised.
  • Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Principado de Cataluña

    Decreto de Nueva Planta in the Principado de Cataluña
    As the Decretos de Nueva Planta established in Mallorca, it maintains civil, criminal and procedural law, as well as the Consulate of the Sea and the jurisdiction it performed before.
  • Reign Louis I

    Reign Louis I
    Philip V abdicated the throne to his son, Louis I, because of his mental illness. The second wife of Philip, Isabel of Farnese didn't like that. 9 months later Louis I died and Philip V retake the throne, convinced by his wife.
  • The 1st Family Compact

    France backed Spain's right to recover possessions in Italy for Spain's support in the War of the Polish succession.Italy became an obsessive factor in its foreign policy, this coincided with the ambitions of Isabel Farnese of Parma. She schemed to obtain Italian kingdoms for her two sons. The Compact proved benefitial. In 1734, Spanish troops recovered Naples and Sicily and Isabel's older son Charles was crowned King of Naples (the future Charles III of Spain)
  • The Family Compacts

    The struggle for power between Britain and France during the 18th century frequently placed Spain in an awkward situation.The Bourbon connection between France and Spain,and Spain's concerns over Britain's strength in the Atlantic certainly gave France a decided edge where Spanish support was concerned.But France's own ambitions in the Americas,to the detriment of Spanish interests,made Spain's support of France ambivalent.Spain and France found themselves as an alliance on the 3 Family Compacts
  • The 2nd Family Compact

    In support to France's involvement with the Austrian War of Succession, resulted in the installation of Charle's yunger brother Pilip as duke of Parma and Piacenza in 1748
  • Reign Ferdinand VI

    Reign Ferdinand VI
  • Period: to

    Reign Ferdinand VI

  • Francisco Goya

    Francisco Goya
    He was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker regarded. Goya was court painter to the Spanish Crown, throughout the Peninsular War he remained in Madrid, where he painted the portrait of Joseph Bonaparte, pretender to the Spanish throne, and documented the war in the masterpiece known as the Desastres de la Guerra.
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    Francisco Goya

    He was born in Fuendetodos, Zaragoza, and died in Burdeos, Francia. He is included in Romanticism. In his firsts days as a painter he was painting frescos in the cathedral of Zaragoza for decorating it. He married Josefa Bayeu. In Madrid he dedicated his life to paint tapestry and to the Royal House of Spain.
  • Canal of Castile

    Canal of Castile
    The main purpose of its construction was to use it as a waterway transport communication and solve the problem of insulation that was under the tableland of Castile and León. Because of that, the Marqués de la Ensenada proposed to Ferdinand VI the construction of a network of roads and canals to make easier the Castile navigation.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    It was a war between:
    Kingdom of Prussia, Kingdom of Hanover and the Kingdom of Great Britain with their american colonies and its ally, the Kingdom of Portugal.
    In the other part: Kingdom of Saxony, Austrian Empire, Kingdom of France, Russian Empire, Sweden and the Kingdom of Spain (from 1761).
  • Reign Charles III

    Reign Charles III
  • Period: to

    Reign Charles III

  • The 3rd Family Compact

    The Seven Years War (1756-63) involved a wide-rangingbattle between Britain and France for colonial supremacy, and Austrian and Prussian conflicts over domination of German lands. Spain's involvement was not overly wise, but there was considerable fear in Madrid that British victory over the French would expand British power and increase preassure on Spanish territory in North and Central America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty was signed by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement, after Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years War. With this agreement Spain lost Florida giving it to the British, but Britain restored Manila and Havana to Spain.
  • The Esquilache Riots ( Who was Esquilache )

    The Esquilache Riots ( Who was Esquilache )
    Esquilache was an Italian statesman who acted as minister of Charles III of Spain, and his attempt to modernize the apparel of the average Spaniard resulted in the Esquilache Riots and in his dismissal, so he had to go out from Spain.
  • The Esquilache Riots

    The Esquilache Riots
    It took place in Madrid during the rule of Charles III. It was caused by many different reasons, like the constant rise of the price of food, and people were starving or the suspicion of the Spaniards in the foreign ministers brought by Charles III. But the really causes was the traditional long capes and white-brimmed hats were prohibited because they allowed criminals to cover their faces while they were killing people.
  • Conde de Floridablanca

    Conde de Floridablanca
    He was a spanish politician that helped against the Motin de Esquilache and he also collaborated in the expulsion of the Jesuitas from the territories of the spanish Crown in 1767. He achived the objetive of dissolving the Compañia de Jesus in 1773,and in this year, the king Charles III made him Conde of Floridablanca as a reward of this services.
    Floridablanca,like Jovellanos and others did,established schools academies and special associations known as sociedades económicas de amigos del país
  • Jovellanos

    He was a important thinker and politician who use the Enlightenment's ideas to improve economic, social and cultural conditions in Spain. He published lot of scientific and literary papers.
  • The expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain

    The expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain
    They were a male religious order that belonged to the Roman Catholic Church.It was founded in 1540 in Rome by Ignacio de Loyola.With the Bourbon succession of 1700,the fight to establish national sovereignty as the basis for a reversal of the economic devastation began.Furthermore to poverty,chastily and obedience,the Jesuits had an special vow,that was to obey the Pope whatever it is.They were expelled from Spain by King Carlos III on charges of being the promoters of the Motin de Esquilache
  • Royal Tapestry (El quita sol)

    Royal Tapestry (El quita sol)
    This tapestry belongs to the second serie that he did for the Royal Family in 1777.
  • Period: to

    Royal Tapestry

  • "Painter of Charles III"

    "Painter of Charles III"
  • Reign Charles IV

    Reign Charles IV
  • Period: to

    Reign Charles IV

  • Manuel Godoy

    Manuel Godoy
    He became Prime Minister of Charles IV in 1792 to 1797, and again in 1801 to 1808.
  • Goya becomes deaf

    Goya becomes deaf
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
  • The War of Pyrenees (2)

    The War of Pyrenees (2)
    Finally, Spain gave up on the eastern two thirds of the Hispaniola in exchange for keeping Gipuzkoa. This ended with two treaties:
    1- On 22 July, ending the War of the Pyrenees
    2- The Second Treaty of San Ildefonso signed on 19 August 1796 between Spain and the First French Republic.That said that France and Spain would become allies and combine their forces against the British Empire.
  • Period: to

    The War of the Pyrenees (1)

    It pitted Revolutionary France against the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal from March 1793 to July 1795 during the French Revolutionary Wars.The Peace of Basel ended the War of the Pyrenees on 22 July 1795 with Moncey close on the gates of Pamplona, with the Basques fearing an abolition of the self-government, and the Spanish Primer Minister Manuel Godoy panicking at the prospect of the still autonomous Basque region switching allegiances to France and detaching from Spain.(2)
  • Caprichos of Goya

    Caprichos of Goya
  • Charles VI's Family Painting by Goya

    Charles VI's Family Painting by Goya
  • Spanish defeat at Trafalgar

    Spanish defeat at Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar (21 October 1805) was a naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Between Spain and France. It defined the occupation of Portugal and proposed the division of the country into three kingdoms as a result of the Peninsular War.
  • Reign Joseph I

    Reign Joseph  I
  • Independence War (Desastres de la Guerra) by Goya

    Independence War (Desastres de la Guerra) by Goya
  • Napoleonic troops in Spain

    King Charles IV had been forced to abdicate in favour of his son Ferdinand VII,and at the time of the uprising both were in the French city of Bayonne at the insistence of Napoleon.An attempt by the French general Joachim Murat to move the daughter and youngest son of Charles IV to Bayonne led to a popular rebellion that was harshly suppressed by French troops after hours of fierce street fighting.In addition,the subsequent proclamation as king of Napoleon's brother provoked resisstance in Spain
  • Uprising of 2nd of May (1)

    Uprising of 2nd of May (1)
    Is the name by which are known the facts occurred in Madrid, raised by the popular protest against the political uncertainty generated after the Mutiny of Aranjuez. The city had been under the occupation of Napoleon's army since 23 March of the same year. King Charles IV had been forced to abdicate in favour of his son Ferdinand VII, and at the time of the uprising both were in the French city of Bayonne at the insistence of Napoleon. An attempt by the French general Joachim Murat to move the(2)
  • Uprising of 2nd of May (2)

    Uprising of 2nd of May (2)
    daughter and youngest son of Charles IV to Bayonne led to a popular rebellion that was harshly suppressed by French troops after hours of fierce street fighting. The uprising in Madrid, together with the subsequent proclamation as king of Napoleon's brother Joseph, provoked resistance across Spain to French rule.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Is the name by which the successive resignations of king Carlos IV and his son, Ferdinand VII, to the throne of Spain, in favor of Napoleon Bonaparte, who then cede the rights to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, who would rule with the name Joseph I.
  • Period: to

    Reign Joseph I

    He imposed the Bayonne Constitution. The supporters where called afrancesados
  • Reign Ferdinand VII

    Reign Ferdinand VII
  • Period: to

    Reign Ferdinand VII

  • Period: to

    Absolutist period with Ferdinand VII

    Ferdinand took off the Constitution of Cádiz and persecuted the liberals. After Riego's Pronunciamiento, Ferdinand ruled for 3 years with the Constitution. Then he asked for help to the Holly Allince to restore the Absolute Monarchy, that send the troops of 100 mil hijos de San Luis and the Constitution came again.
  • Black Paintings by Goya

    Black Paintings by Goya
  • Riego's Pronunciamiento

    A coup d'etat that took place on Cabezas de San Juan, Sevilla. It was a conflict among the officers of the troops to combat the American Uprising.
  • The Pragmatic Sanction

    The Pragmatic Sanction
    The Bourbons brought to Spain the Salic law (it excludes females from the line of succession). And Ferdinand VII at the end of his reign proclaimed his pragmatic sanction, that consisted in that her daughter Isabella would be the queen after his death. His brother Carlos did not accept this and claimed for his rights. There then followed a hundred years of civil strife in Spain, with periodic civil wars and revolutions, culminating in the massive Civil War(1936-1939)
  • The Carlist Wars

    The Carlist Wars
    With Ferdinand VII's death the first troubles arose. The liberals supported the accession of Ferdinand's infant daughter Isabella. The supporters of the old regime backed Ferdinand's brother, Don Carlos, a devout Catholic and reactionary. This dispute brought about " Carlist Wars "
  • Reign Isabel II

    Reign Isabel II
    Isabella was born to the fourth wife of Ferdinand VII (Maria Cristina). Her power was limited by the Constitution and she had the support of two liberalpolitical parties: Moderate Liberal party( they favoured a stronger monarchy), and the Progressive Party(they wanted to limite royal authority).She assume the 'reings of government' at the age of thirteen. Two regnts governed in her place: her mother Maria Cristina and General Espartero.
  • Period: to

    Reign Isabel II

  • Period: to

    1st Carlist War

    It lasted more than seven years and the fighting spanned most of the country at one time or another, although the main conflict centered on the Carlist homelands of the Basque Country and Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia.
  • Tomás de Zumlacárregui

    Tomás de Zumlacárregui
    He was a spanish soldier who became a general during the First Carlist Carlist War.When the Carlist uprising began on the death of Ferdinand VII, he is said to have held back because he knew that the first leaders would be politicians and talkers. He did not take the field till the Carlist cause appeared to be at a very low ebb, and until he had received a commission from Don Carlos as commander in chief in Navarre.
  • Period: to

    2nd Carlist War

    It was a minor Catalonian uprising. The rebels tried to install Carlos VI on the throne. In Galicia, the uprising was on a smaller scale and was put down by General Ramón María Narváez
  • The Glorious Revolution in Spain

    The Glorious Revolution in Spain
    The Glorious Revolution took place because the Queen Isabella II's interference in political affairs was resented on all sides and she was overthrow. It was led by Juan Prim and Francisco Serrano.Leaders eventually recruited an Italian prince,Amadeo of Savoy,as king.Finally he was King of Spain and his reign lasted two years,and he was replaced by the first Spanish Republic,that also lasted two years.In 1875,leaders proclaimed Isabella's son,King Alfonso XII, as king in the Bourbon Restoration.
  • Amadeus of Savoy

    Amadeus of Savoy
  • Death of Juan Prim

    Death of Juan Prim
    Participated in the 1st Carlist War and in the War of Africa. He was supporting Amadeus of Savoy as king, but some people desagreed with the idea of having Amadeus as king, so he was killed.
  • Period: to

    3rd Carlist War

    It began in the aftermath of the deposition of one ruling monarch and abdication of another.Queen Isabella II was overthrown by a conspiracy of liberal generals in 1868,and left Spain in some disgrace.The Cortes (Parliament) replaced her with Amadeo, the Duke of Aosta (and second son of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy). Then, when the Spanish elections of 1872 resulted in government violence against Carlist candidates and a swing away from Carlism, the Carlist pretender, Carlos VII, decided that o
  • Period: to

    Reing of Amadeus of Savoy

    The exile of Isabella was followed by years of turmoil in Spain, including a brief stint as King of Spain by Amadeus of Savoy, and the Third Carlist War. He abdicated because both republicans and Carlists rejected him. The supporters of Alfonso ( the legitimate heir of Isabella II) were also opposed to him.
  • The First Republic (2)

    The First Republic (2)
    There were many problems:
    - Demands for greater regional autonomy in Andalucía, Levante and Cataluña.
    - Division of republicans.
    - The Third Carlist War.
    In 1874 there was another uprising and it brought about the restoration of the monarchy: Alfonso XII was installed as a Spanish Monarch, to reign under a newly ratified liberal constitution.
  • Period: to

    1st Republic (1)

    It was the political regime that existed in Spain between the parliamentary proclamation on 11 February 1873 and 29 December 1874 when General Arsenio Martínez Campos's pronunciamento marked the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration in Spain.The Republic's founding started with the abdication as King of 10 February 1873 of Amadeo I,and the next day (11 February) the Republic was declared by a parliamentary majority made up of radicals,republicans and democrats.
  • Estanislao Figueras

    Estanislao Figueras
  • Period: to

    Estanislao Figueras (1st president of the 1st Rep.)

  • Francisco Pi y Margall

    Francisco Pi y Margall
  • Period: to

    Francisco Pi y Margall (2nd president of the 1st Rep.)

  • Nicolás Salmerón

    Nicolás Salmerón
  • Period: to

    Nicolás Salmerón (3rd president of the 1st Rep.)

  • Emilio Castelar

    Emilio Castelar
  • Period: to

    Emilio Castelar (4th president of the 1st Rep.)

  • Restoration of the Monarchy in Spain

    Restoration of the Monarchy in Spain
    In December 1874, General Martinez Campos revolted against the First Republic, proclaming Alfonso XII as king in January 1875. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo (friend of the new king) thought that a parliamentary monarchy could be the solution for the political problems of Spain and for modernizing the country.