
Spain 18-19 century

  • Charles IIs "the Bewitched" death

    Charles IIs  "the Bewitched"  death
    Was the last Habsburg ruler of Spain. He died without an heir. in his will he gave the crown to the French prince Philip of Anjou.
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    Rule of Philip V

    facts of Phlip V
    Philip V king of Spain from 1700 (except for a brief period from January to August 1724) and founder of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain. During his reign Spain regained much of its former influence in international affairs. His major achievement was the centralization and administrative unification and the creation of a modern state.
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    War of the Spanish sucession

    Philip of Anjou became king of France and Spain, but Austria, England, Holland and Prussia thought he had many power and had the aim of putting Charles of Austria. This lead to a war, which result was Philip becaming king, because Charles hesitated then Holy Roman Empire. The war might have been avoided if the Archuduke CHarles had not received support of Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia.
  • New Foundation (decretos de nueva planta)

    New Foundation (decretos de nueva planta)
    They are a collection of decrees promulgated by King Philip V of Bourbon, who won the War of Spanish Succession, through which were abolished the laws and institutions of the Kingdom of Valencia, the Kingdom of Aragon, the Principality of Catalonia and the Kingdom of Majorca.
  • Pragmatic Sanction

  • Treaty of Utrech

    Treaty of Utrech
    an imague that shows how Europe was divided after the Treaty of Ultrech
    It was a series of individual peace treaties, signed by Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy and the Dutch Republic lead to the end The War of the Spanish Sucession. It was signed in the Duch city of Ultrech. It divided Europe in a balance way.
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    Rule of Louis I

    First Bourbon born in Spain. Was King of Spain from 15 January 1724 until his death in August the same year. His reign is one of the shortest in history, lasting for just over seven months. He ruled for a short period of time his father Philip V abdicated in his favor. Louis I died because of smallpox and after his death, his father Philip V returned to the throne.
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    Rule of Ferdinand VI

    The external policy of Fernando VI was oriented to preserving the peace, by liquidating the warmongering of the previous reign; The intention was to reduce the weight of military outgoings and concentrate the energies on internal development. After the War of Austrian Succession, Spain did not intervene in new conflicts. Rather, the monarchy searched their place in the European balance by signing agreements with Portugal and England
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    Rule of Charles III

    Carlos III made important reforms with the help of a team of ministers and collaborators as Esquilache, Aranda, Campomanes, Floridablanca, Wall and Grimaldi.
    He reorganized the local power and municipal finances, putting them at the service of the monarchy.He puts an end to the powers of the Church, cutting the jurisdiction of the Inquisition and purchaseing goods
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    map after the treaty
    It was signed by Great Britain, France and Spain. The treaty ended the French Indian War/ Seven Years War. The territories of North America changed of owership, Spain losed Florida but gained Lousiana, Feance losed Quebec and Lousiana and England gained Quebec, Florida, Havana and Manila. bibliografy
  • Esquilache Riot

    Esquilache Riot
    Was a popular protest because traditional long capes and wide-brimmed hats were prohibited because they allowed cromonals to conceal their faces, but the material (and real) cause was the rise in the price of first necessity food, people were starving.
  • Jesuits expelled by borbons

    Jesuits expelled by borbons
    The political doctrine at that moment defends the right of the nation state to interfere, receive and organize their national church incomes. The expulsion of a command obedient to the Pope as the Jesuit was economically inviting, because it reinforced the power of the monarch and, after the expulsion of a religious command, then came the corresponding confiscation of their property that the state could manage as the belive to be opportune.
  • American Declaration of Independence

    American Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Continental Congress meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies,then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. bibliography
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    Rule of Charles IV

    Ended the reformist projects of the previous reign and replaced them with conservatism and repression, with the fear that these events spread to Spain.
    After the execution of Louis XVI by revolutionaries, Spain participated with the other European monarchies in the War of the Convention (1794-1795), in which was defeated by France.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    By December of 1792, the Assembly had been replaced by the Convention as the official government of France. The Convention was divided into two factions: Jacobins and Girondins. the Jacobins were in favor of executing Louis XVI, and the Girondins were opposed. The Girondins thought that the King had the right to a trial. Louis was brought to trial on December 26, 1792. On January 15, 1793, 361 of the 700 deputies of the Convention voted to execute Louis. On January 21, Louis XVI was executed
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    War of Pyrenees

    Was a conflict that confont the monarchy of Charles IV in Spain and the French republic
  • Napoleon became first consul

    Napoleon became first consul
    The first act of the Consulate was the approval, in record time of a new constitution: the Constitution of the Year VIII. According to this, Napoleon Bonaparte assumed the role of First Consul, which put in its hands all the powers, since the other two consuls had an advisory role.
  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Treaty of San Ildefonso
    Was a treaty between France and Spain in which Spain returned the colonial territory of Louisiana to France.The treaty was negotiated under some duress, as Spain was under pressure from Napoleon. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned, which later became a point of contention between Spain and the United States
  • battle of trafalgar

    battle of trafalgar
    Short documentary on the Battle of Trafalgar
    Is a decisive naval battles, just off the coast of Spain.Began after Nelson caught sight of a Franco-Spanish force of 33 ships. Preparing to engage the enemy force, Nelson divided his ships into two divisions
    In five hours of fighting, the British devastated the enemy fleet. The battle raged at its fiercest around the victory, and a French sniper shot Nelson. The admiral died before the end of the battle.
    Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar ensured that Napoleon would never invade Britain.
  • treaty of fontainebleau

    treaty of fontainebleau
    Was signed on 27 October 1807 in Fontainebleau between Charles IV of Spain and Napoleon I of France.The accord proposed the division of the Kingdom of Portugal and all Portuguese dominions between the signatories.
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    Ferdinand VII ( 1st regim)

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    peninsular war

    painting of this war It began as a revolt in Spain against the imposition of Joseph Bonaparte as king of Spain. It flared into a bloody guerrilla war and British troops landed in Portugal to support the expulsion of the French . The major turning point was the repulsion of Massena's offensive aganist Lisbon. Wellington's forces then gradually drove the French from the Iberian peninsula and, after the victory of Vitoria invaded s France. Napoleon abdication brought the campaign to an end.
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    Joseph I Bonaparte

    Joseph IHe was king of Naples until his brother (Napoleon Bonaparte) named him king of Spain. He ruled trying to find the political support of the Spanish Enlightenment groups, known as afrancesados (frenchified) without making the reform program of his government, based on the Bayona Constitution, successfully. Five years later he went back to France because he was expelled by the Spanish insurgents.
  • abdication of Bayonne

    abdication of Bayonne
    Series of forced abdications of the Kings of Spain that led to the Spanish War of Independence.
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    Ferdinand VII (2nd regim)

    <a href='' >Fernando VII returned to Spain in 1814, where a group of absolutist deputies presented the Manifesto of the Persians, in which he advised the restoration of the absolutist system and the repeal of the 1812 Constitution.In the early years of his government, the army forced the king to swear the Constitution (1820-1823) continuing the work begun in 1810 reform: the abolition of of class privileges and the Inquisition, the Criminal Code was made and the Constitution of Cadiz returned to be current one.In 1823 the French forces entered the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis, who joined Spanish royalist troops. Without resistance, absolutism was restored.The last stage of the reign of Fernando VII was absolutist. The Constitution was abolished and the institutions of January 1820 were restored (not the Inquisition). The final years of the reign were focused on the issue of succession, only his last wife gave him descendants, two girls.</a>
  • first Spanish constitution "La Pepa"

    first Spanish constitution "La Pepa"
    A short video of "La Pepa"
    The Spanish Constitution of 1812 was established in the Cádiz Cortes, Spain's first national sovereign assembly. It established the principles of universal male suffrage, national sovereignty, constitutional monarchy and freedom of the press, and supported land reform and free enterprise.
    The Spaniards nicknamed the Constitution La Pepa, possibly because it was adopted on Saint Joseph's Day, 'Pepa' being a nickname for 'Josephine'.
  • Riego´s pronunciamiento

    Riego´s pronunciamiento
    The delivery of Riego, was a "coup d'etat" , carried out by the commander Rafael de Riego on January the 1 of 1820 in Seville, came among the official pronouncement of the troops designed to combat in the American revolt, joined with the Masons, which contributed to his later success. Upon the emission of the proclamation came the restoration of constitutional authorities.
  • Cien mil hijos de San Luis

    Cien mil hijos de San Luis
    France intervened militarily in Spain on April 7, 1823 to support Fernando against liberals and restore the absolutism, under the agreements of the Holy Alliance. The French army, called the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis, was led by the Duke of Angouleme, son of the future Charles X of France.
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    First Carlist War

    This war took place in Spain between 1833 and 1840, it was a war between supporters of the Infante Carlos Maria Isidro de Borbon and an absolutist regime aganist the Elizabethans, defenders of Isabel II.
    Raised by Carlos María Isidro, brother of Fernando VII, by the succession of the throne, since he had been the inheritor during the reign of his brother Fernando VII, because he, after three marriages, had a lack of descendants.
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    Isabella II reign

    Isabella II
    Queen of Spain whose reign was marked by political instability and the rule of military politicians. Isabella’s failure to respond to growing demands for a more progressive regime, her questionable private life, and her political irresponsibility contributed to the decline in monarchical strength. The period of Isabella’s personal rule was characterized by political unrest and a series of uprisings. Her government was dominated by military politicians.
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    Regency of Espartero

    Is the last period in which Isabel II of Spain was underage, called like this because the general Baldomero Espartero, after the victory of the "revolution of 1840", took the regerency instead of her.
    Ends in 1843 when a military and civic movement led by the Progresita Party and the Moderate Party with Francisco Serrano and Leopoldo O'Donnell, force Espartero into exile.
    The antiesparterista coalition then decided to proclaim the age of majority of Isabel, when she turned thirteen, in October
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    Second Carlist War

    It took place in Catalonia because of the failure of the attempts to marry Isabel II with the carlist pretender, Carlos Luis de Borbón. However, Isabel II ended up marrying his cousin Francisco de Asís de Bourbon.
    This happened because in Catalonia they were still carlist bands that had not surrendered after the end of the First Carlist War, but they acted as bandits instead of as war mens.
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    Spanish glorious revolution

    Is a revolution started by the Spanish liberal movement as an answer to the increasingly conservative and dictatorial monarchy of Isabel II.
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    Amadeus of Savoy

    Amadeus Was the only King of Spain from the House of Savoy. He was the second son of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy.He was elected by the Cortes as Spain's monarch in 1870.Amadeo's reign was fraught with growing republicanism, Carlist rebellions in the north, and the Cuban independence movement. He abdicated and returned to Italy in 1873, and the First Spanish Republic was declared as a result.
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    Third Carlist War

    It was developed in Spain, between supporters of Charles VII, and the governments of Amadeo I and Alfonso XII. In March 1870 Ramon Cabrera submitted his resignation as a political and military leader of Carlism for refusing to expose Spain to a new civil war. The pretender, which took months preparing the uprising from his exile, set up the 21 of April of 1872 as the date for the beginning of the uprising. This Carlist War was developed mainly in the Basque provinces and in Navarra.
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    First republic

    It was the short-lived political regime in Spain that took place between the parliamentary proclamation and the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration in Spain. 11 February the republic was declared by a parliamentary majority made up of radicals, republicans and democrats.
  • French Revolution-Storming of Bastilles

    French Revolution-Storming of Bastilles
    On 14 July 1789, a state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy’s dictatorial rule, and the event became one of the defining moments in the Revolution that followed.
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    Regency of M. Christina

    She reign with wisdom and tact, this gave Spain peace and political stability . She has the longest regnecy of the Span´s history. She began by entrusting the government to the liberal leader Práxedes Mateo Sagasta and by granting freedom of the press and a generous amnesty to political prisoners.On 1902, Alfonso XIII was declared of age, and María Christina resigned the regency.