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Unit 6 Revolutions.

  • Spinning Jenny

    This machine used eight spindles (a rod or pin serving as an axis that revolves or on which something revolves.) onto which the thread was spun, so by turning a single wheel, whoever was using it could now spin eight threads at once. This was a great improvement since it helped people work faster.

    Soldiers shot at crowd after these threw snow balls at them.

    70 Men bosrded British ships and proceded to throw tea into the sea.

    Angry Crowd ripped the Bastille down.
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    Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution was the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803 they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony. The Revolution, however, was much more complex, consisting of several revolutions going on simultaneously. These revolutions were influenced by the French Revolution of 1789, which created a new concept of human righs.
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    Haitian Revolution

  • May 15 degree is revoked.

    French National Assembly revokes the May 15 degree. Slaves start to revolt but are put back in place by French army.
  • Slaves watch it burn.

    Slaves burn down Le Cap as a warning.
  • The French National Assembly

    French National Assembly issues degree granting forgivness to all free people in Saint Domingue.
  • Toussaint Louverture

    Toussaint Louverture, young slave, begis to gain recognition as a leader of the army. He is, to this day, the most well-known leader of the Haitian Revolution.
  • More slaves become rebels

    More slaves manage to create small, but meaningful, uprisings in order to free themselves from their "owners" and oin the rebel army.
  • New Civil Rights

    Three new civil rights commissioners arrive in the colony of France in order to discuss the so called "New Civil Rights".
  • And back to war we go.

    Slaves fighting against the colonists try to make and agreement with them but since their demands (that included: equal rights and freedom for peopleof color) were not met they decided to go back to war and continue fighting for their rights. Slaves try to sign peace but thei demands are turned down so they decide to go back ot war.
  • Leader of the slaves is murdered

    Slave leader is murdered. Forcing the slaves to abandon their camp of attack and retreat back to the mountains in order to plan out what they wer supposed to do next.
  • The Slaves Retreate

    The Governer and his army march out against the slaves. Once they see the amount of troops, slaves decide to abandon their acmp and rettrive to the mountains to come up with another strategy.
  • Quinaminthe District

    Slaves that were fighting against colonists try to recapture the Quinaminthe District to have back the land they had to leave in order to start the revolution. Slaves try to recapture the Ouinaminthe district.
  • Slaves negociation

    Slaves that were fighting for equal rights and freedom offer to try and negociate and come to an agreement with the colonist in order to regain peace once again.

    People were being massacred in the Guillotine for "treason" and to eep others scared.
  • The invention of the steamboat

    Invented by John Fitch. This invention helped transport things by water which, in some cases, was a lot faster than by land.
  • Napoleon becomes first consul.

    Napoleon, the military comander of the French, proclaimed himself consul for life.
  • The invention of the battery.

    Invented by Count Alessandro Volta.
  • Haiti 1804 U.S refuces independence

    Haiti was the first Latin country to be independent after revolting against the French. French continued to try and enforce power and The United States refused to accept Haiti's independence.
  • Colombian independence day

    Simon Bolivar had a great impact in the Colombian revolution since he helped lead the people into battle and gave them tactics.
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    Simon Bolivar

  • Chile independence day

    Jose de San Martin helped get Chile its independence but that does not mean that the independece was signed the exact day he was told so.
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    Jose de San Martin

  • Venezuala independece day

    Simon Bolivar helped gain Venezuela's independence through a series of battles.
  • Independence day of Aregetina

    He was an Argentine general. He led his nation during the wars of Independence from Spain.
  • Independence of Perú.

    Jose de San Martin liberated Perú with the help of Simon Bolivar. They both helped lead the people and create tactics that would later leaed them to victory.
  • Ecuador independence day

    Ecuador gained its independece from Spanish opression through the help of Simon Bolivar.
  • Bolivian independece day

    Simon Bolivar helped Bolivia gain their independence.
  • Morse code was created

    Invented by Samual Morse This system is used to turn the telegraph into another term of communication.
  • Elevator breaks were invented

    Invented by Elisha Otis. The breaks helped create a safer elevator.
  • Cash register was invented

    Invented by James Ritty. This, of course, changed business life drastically since people finally have a safe and efficient way to count their money.
  • Panamanian independece day

    After a long time of being opressed by the Spanish Simon Bolivar helped Panama gain its independece.
  • Be free (Blacks and Mulattoes.

    Luois XVI grants equal poliyical rights to the free blacks and mulattoes.