3 mayo 1

Spain in the 18th and 19th centuries

  • Sep 27, 1540


    Founded by Iganatus of Loyola In 1543 with other six women and
  • Death of Charles II

    Death of Charles II
    Was the king of Spain from 1665 to 1700.He died in 1700 without a heir.His realm included Southern Netherlands and Spain´s overseas,streching from the Americas to the Spanish East
  • Phillip V

    Phillip V
    When he started to reign Spain , he was the succesor of Charles II , and he has the longest reign in Spain . He was very influenced by religion and he married twice , first with María Luisa de Saboya and then with Isabel de Farnesio.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Phillip V

    Sucessor of Charles II
  • Period: to

    War of the Spanish Succesion

    It started in 1701 until the treaty of Utrecht in 1713 . Its main cause was the death of Charles II that left the throne without a heir . This was a civil war , with all the Bourbons that had the support of The Kingdom of Castille against Phillip V . As a result they signed three treaties : The Treaty of Utrecht Treaty of Rastatt and Treaty of Baden . Its candidates to the throne were : Archduke Charles , Phillip V and Louis XIV .
  • Decrees of Valencia

  • Decree of Aragon

  • Period: to

    Decretos de Nueva Planta

  • Isabel Farnese of Parma

    Isabel Farnese of Parma
    She was the wife of Phillip V and she was born the 25 of October in 1692 .Wanted to secure Italian possessions for her children embroiled Spain in wars and intrigues for three decades. She brought beneficial internal reforms and succeeded in improving Spain’s economy.
  • Period: to

    Isabel of Parma First Reign

  • Decrees of the Kingdom of Catalonia

  • Decree of Mallorca

  • Louis l

    Louis l
    He was the succesor of Phillip V , and he has the shortest reign ever recorded in Spain . He was married with Luisa Isabel of Orleans.
  • Period: to

    Second Reign of Isable of Parma

  • Floridablanca

    He was an important politicianand we was on charge of the Secretario de Estado between 1777 and 1782 .He started his studies in Murcia.He created The Direccion General de Caminos in 1875.
  • 1st Family Compact

    France supported the right of Spain to get territories in Italy , so Spain helped France in the war of the Polish succesion . Phillip V`s wife was Isabel Farnese of Parma , and she planned to give to her children Italian kingdoms . In 1734 Spain recovered Naples and Sicily And the oldest son of Charles was crowned King of Naples .
  • 2nd Family Compact

    Spain helped France in the Austrian War of Succesion and as a result they got Charle`s younger brother duke ofParma and Piacenza in 1748 .
  • Jovellanos

    Was a famous writer . jurist and politician in the 18th century .
  • Period: to


  • Francisco Goya

    Francisco Goya
    Was a spanish romantic painter and printmaker regarded both as the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns. Goya was court painter to the Spanish Crown .
  • Period: to

    Life of Goya

  • Ferdinand VI

    Ferdinand VI
    He was born in Madrid in 1713 and died in Villaviciosa de Odon in 1759 . He became king of Spain in 1746 and he left the throne in 1759.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferdinand VI

    Succesor of
  • Canals of Castilla

    Canals of Castilla
    Canal of Castilla was built in 16 of July of 1753 and was inaugurated 14 Of December 1849 . Its main purpose was to communicate all territories in the Meseta of Castilla . Castilla was so incommunicate with the others and cannot trade with the rest of people .
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    The Seven Years' War essentially comprised two struggles. One centered on the maritime and colonial conflict between Britain and its Bourbon enemies, France and Spain; the second, on the conflict between Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia and his opponents: Austria, France, Russia, and Sweden
  • Reign Of Charles III

    Reign Of Charles III
    He was born in Madrid in 1716 , and he died in 1788 . He was duke of Parma between 1731 to 1735 . He was king of Spain 1752 until he died . Also he ruled Sicily and Napoles .
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles III

    Succesor of
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris, also known as the Peace of Paris and the Treaty of 1763, was signed on 10 February 1763 by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement, after Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War.
  • 3rd Family Compact

    Started with the Seven Years War ( 1756-1763 ) and involved Britain and France for colonial supremacy and Austria and Prussia having conflitcs over German territories . Britain gave support to Prussia while France gave it to Austria . Spain`s involvement were none , only they had fear of the British if they won against France , So Britain had an opportunity to enter to the Iberian Peninsula and conquer them .
  • Esquilache Riots

    Esquilache Riots
    Was caused by the discontent in Madrid about rising the costs of bread and pther things they were sparked by Marquis of Esquilache a Napolitanina minister and Leopoldo de Gregorio
  • Manuel Godoy

    He was born the 12 of May in 1767 and died in 1851 the 4 of October . He was the prime minister of Charles IV , he was duke of Sueca and Alcudia , he was akwarded with the Prince of the Peace with his negotiations In Basilea . He was exiled by Ferdinand VII .
  • Royal Tapestry

    Royal Tapestry
  • Charles IV

     Charles IV
    He was born in Napoles 1748 and died in Rome in 1819 he was the son and succesor of Charles III . He was the king of Spain in 1788 to 1808 .
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles IV

    Succesor of
  • Day that goya was Deaf

  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
  • Caprichos

    Los Caprichos are a set of 80 aquatint prints created by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya in 1797 and 1798, and published as an album in 1799
  • Famjly of Charles IV painting

    Famjly of Charles IV painting
  • Defeat at Trafalgar

    Defeat at Trafalgar
    The battle of Trafalgar was a naval battle which took place the 21st of October 1805 It was started by UK , Austria Russia , Napoles and Sweden to try to defeat Napoleon Bonaparte`s reign .
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    This treaty was signed in 1807 in Fontainebleau it was signed by Napoleon I of France and Charles IV of Spain , this treaty proposed the division of the kingdom of Portugal .
  • Ferdinand VII

    Ferdinand VII
    He was born in Escorial in 1784 nad he died 1873 . He was king of Spain twice . 1st was Between march and may in 1808 ande 2nd one was in 1813 until he died .
  • Painting of the Independece War

    Painting of the Independece War
  • Uprising of May 2

  • Abdication of Boyonne

  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferdinand VII

  • Black Painting

    Black Painting
  • Riego`s Pronunciamiento

    Riego`s Pronunciamiento
    It was a coup de etat directed by Riego in cabeza de San Juan.
  • Isabel II

    Isabel II
    She was borned in Madrid in 1830 , and died in Paris 1904 . She was the queen of Spain between 1833 to 1868 .
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabelle II

  • Amadeo I

    Amadeo I
    He was born in 1845 in Sardinia and died in 1890 in Italy . He ruled Spain between 1870 to 1873 with the name of Amadeo I .
  • Juan Prim

    Juan Prim
    He was a militar and a spanish liberal politician in the XIX century. He was murdered by someone
  • Period: to

    Estanislao Figueras

  • Period: to

    Francisco Pi i Margall

  • Period: to

    Nicolás Salmerón Alonso

  • Period: to

    Emilio Castelar y Ripoll

  • Restoration of the Monarchies

    Restoration of the Monarchies
    The Restoration was the the period that began on 29 December 1874 after the First Spanish Republic ended with the restoration of the monarchy under Alfonso XII after a coup d'état by Martinez Campos, and ended on 14 April 1931 with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.The Restoration was the name given to the period that began on 29 December 1874 after the First Span