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The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The National Assembly was created when the delegates of the Third estate stormed out of king Louis's palace, and formed on a tennis court.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was formed when the third estate left the King's palace. the Oath was that all the members promised that they would come back to the same spot until the Declaration was formed. And they kept the promise.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille was the climax of the Revolution. The people stormed the Bastille, slaying the few guards that were defending it. They took all the ammunition and weapons, then tore it down
  • Declaration of The Rights Of Man

    Declaration of The Rights Of Man
    The Third Estate forms their own declaration. Along with the Tennis Court Oath, they changed the way the people will have power in France.
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    This event was when thousands of women stormed the kings palace, Versailles. They looted the palace, slayed the guards, and forced the king and queen to move to Paris, to see the horror in the city .
  • Causes of the Revolution

    Causes of the Revolution
    One was the strain of servicing old debt. Another thing is the Enlightment ideas. Lastly, taxation on the Third Estate lead to the people revolting.
  • Tricolore cockade

    Tricolore cockade
    The Tricolor Cockade came around about 1789. Multiple factors used it, including the militia.
  • Prominent women

    Prominent women
    Marie Roland, who focused on government more than anything, was still a feminist by the fact she was a woman fighting for the world.
  • The Royal Escape

    The Royal Escape
    The Royal Escape was when the king and queen tried, unsuccessfully, to escape to Austria. During their escape, they were stopped on the border and asked to get out. They were sent back to Paris and put under house arrest. Again
  • War of the First Coalition

    War of the First Coalition
    On April 20, Prussia joined Austria in the fight against France. They formed a Coalition, and fought against the french. After being beaten back, Napoleon came in and beat them back. Then turned around and beat the British at the harbor.
  • Death of King Louis XIV

    Death of King Louis XIV
    The Death of King Louis XVI marked a turning point in France. Shortly after the kings death, the queen followed.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was a time in France where the people were slaying about anything in France. thousands of convicts in jails were slayed by the people, scared they would be killed by them if they were set free by invading armies.
  • Death of Marie Antoinette

    Death of Marie Antoinette
    After being charged on multiple things, the most noticable of sexually abusing her own son, Marie would be be-headed on this date. Her legacy lived on though, Including a City in Ohio named for Marie. SHowing graditude to the French for the help in the american revolution.
  • Be heading of Maximilien de Robespierre

    Be heading of Maximilien de Robespierre
    After being thrown into the same jail cell that Marie was put in, he was executed. During his time in bars, he layed on a table, with blood pooling out of his mouth.
  • Rise of Napoleon

    Rise of Napoleon
    After returning from a fail raid on Egypt, Napoleon returned to a heros welcome. After making a plan to overthrow the government, he actualy did with the army by his side.
  • Results of the French Revolution

    Results of the French Revolution
    The Revolution unified France as a whole country. Tore down ancient structure of Europe, and increaed nationalism.