The French Revolution

  • Representatives from three Estates meet at Versailles

    This assembly was composed of three estates – the clergy, nobility and commoners – who had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and to undertake reforms in the country.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    The political and financial situation in France had grown rather bleak, forcing Louis XVI to summon the Estates General.
  • Third Estate takes the Tennis Court Oath

    the members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath (French: Serment du Jeu de Paume) in the tennis court which had been built in 1686 for the use of the Versailles palace.
  • Louis XVI calls for the National Assembly to meet to create a constitution

    The political and financial situation in France had grown rather bleak, forcing Louis XVI to summon the Estates General.
  • Louis XVI has the Third Estate locked out of the Estates General meeting

    King Louis locked the third estate out of the meeting because they were demanding more power in the government because they made up 97% of the population in France.
  • Storming The Bastille

    took over the bastille and tore it down brick by brick
  • The women of Paris arrest Louis XVI and take him back to Paris

    aced with a grave financial crisis, the king summoned a meeting of the Estates General at the palace. Later that year, ceding to popular pressure, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette left Versailles for Paris