
the french revolution

  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    the estates general of 1789 was a general assembly representing the french estates of the real summoned by Louis XVI to propose solutions to france's financial problems. It ended when the third estate formed into a national assembly, signaling the outbreak of the french revolution.
  • national assembly formed

    national assembly formed
    the national assembly existed from June 13, 1789 to July 9, 1789. It was a revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the third estate of the estates general.this assembly called themselves the national assembly since they represented at least 97 percent of the nation.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the tennis court oath was significant because it showed the growing unrest against king louis the 16 and laid the foundation for later events, including the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen and the storming of the bastille.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    the storming of the bastille set off a series of events that led to the overthrow of King Louis the 16 and the french revolution. The success of the revolutionaries gave commoners throughout France the courage to rise up and fight against the nobles who had ruled them for so long.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional monarchy, system of government in which a monarch (see monarchy) shares power with a constitutionally organized government. The monarch may be the de facto head of state or a purely ceremonial leader. The constitution allocates the rest of the government's power to the legislature and judiciary.
  • France a Republic

    the first republic (1792-1804) following the aftermaths of the revolution of 1789 and the abolishment of the monarchy, the First republic of france is established on september 22 of 1792.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    the reign of terror began on september 5, 1793 with a declaration by robespierre that terror would be "the order of the day." It ended on july 27, 1794 when robespierre was removed from power and executed. during the reign of terror, france was ruled by a group of men called the committee of public safety.
  • King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    ultimately unwilling to cede his royal power to the revolutionary government, Louis XVI was found guilty of treason and condemned to death. his wife, Marie-Antoinette, was guillotined nine months later, and their son Louis (XVII) died at the age of 10 while imprisoned by the revolutionary government.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    in july 1794 robespierre was arrested and executed as were many of his fellow jacobins, thereby ending the reign of terror, which was succeeded by the thermidorian reaction. learn about the most famous political group of the french revolution.
  • What is the legacy of the French Revolution

    the legacy of the french revolution,the ideas of liberty and democratic rights were the most important legacy of the french revolution. It inspired the germans, italians, and austrians to overthrow their oppressive regimes. colonised people of asia and africa were deeply influenced by the french revolution