The French Revolution

  • Bad Leaders in Charge

    Bad Leaders in Charge
    The terrible leadership of King louis 16 and Marie Antoinette begins.
    Info from notes.
  • The National Assembly is Created

    The National Assembly is Created
    The 1st and 2nd estate outvote the third again. But this time the 3rd estate storms out of the meeting and decides to form the National Assembly which would truely represent the french people.
    Info from notes.
  • The king responds to Creation to National Assembly

    The king responds to Creation to National Assembly
    The king locks the meeting room of the national assembly.Which causes the national assembly to meet on the tennis court.
    Info from notes.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath said that the 3rd estate would not stop until the D.R.M. was completed.
    Info from notes.
  • Attack on Te Bastille

    Attack on Te Bastille
    Thousands of Parisians attack the fort where the gun powder is. They successfuly take the gun powder and the city of Pafris is in the hands of the revolutionaries.
    Info from notes.
  • Causes of The French Revolution

    Causes of The French Revolution
    Cause 1:France was bankrupt.
    Cause 2:Bad leadership.
    Cause3:Bad Harvests.
    Cause 4:The estate system.
    Cause 5:The enlightenment.
    Info from notes.
  • D.R.M.

    The D.R.M. was the document that the National Assembly worked on for months stating the rights that the 3rd estate beloieved the French peolpe should have.
    Info from notes.
  • The Bread March

    The Bread March
    Thousands of women from Paris march 12 miles to Versailles.They are armed and want food and for King Louis 16 to sign the D.R.M.
    Info from notes.
  • Bread march Results

    Bread march Results
    King Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette were forced to sign the D.R.M.They were then brought to paris.
    Info from notes.
  • The Geat Escape(Fail)

    The Geat Escape(Fail)
    The royal family got in the royal carriage and headed for the nearest border.(Austria) They made it to the Austrian border but were spotted, captured, and brought back to Paris.
    Info from notes.
  • Death of King Louis 16

    Death of King Louis 16
    King Louis 16 was beheaded.Several countries declared war on France.
    Info from notes.
  • Jean Paul Marat's death

    Jean Paul Marat's death
    Charlotte Corday stabs Marat while he is bathing. She is short after executed.
    Info from google.(date of death and picture.)
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The National Assembly was killing anyone and everyone who was aganist the revolution.
    Info from notes.
  • Maximilien de Ropespierre is killed

    Maximilien de Ropespierre is killed
    Ropespierre is beheaded. He had gone mad with power so he deserved it.
    Info of when he was beheaded from wikipidia
  • After the reign of terror

    After the reign of terror
    France went through several governments. France won the war aganist England and Prussia and Austria.
  • Results of the French Revolution

    Results of the French Revolution
    1.)It is the end to monarchy in Europe.
    2.)The church lost most of it's power.
    3.)In France,there are no longer the three estates.So, the 3rd eststate gained alot and 1st and 2nd lost everything.
    Info from notes.