The French Revolution

  • Nobiles force Louis XVI to call Estates General

    The king was in trouble. The nobility was unhappy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate.
  • Estates General meets in Paris

    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the Third Estate. The Estates General had not met in 175 years.
  • Third Estate refuses to abide by king's one vote for each estate order

    Third Estate was trying to reform the government and this was the first step they took.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The representatives for the Third Estate refused to leave the tennis court that they were on until a new constitution was made. This act of defiance towards the king started the French Revolution
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Revolutionaries stormed the Bastille in order to obtain weapons, ammunition, and explosives. This event became a symbol of independence for France.
  • Great Fear begins

    The people of the Third Estate were afraid that Louis XVI was going to punish them. This fear resulted in rumors, anger, and violence towards the other estates
  • National Assembly abolishes feudalism

    National Assembly was making big changes in France. The monarchy was slowly diminishing
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration declared that all men were equal. It borrowed ideals from Enlightenment thinkers, the English Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence
  • Women march for bread

    Women from Paris marched to Versailles. It showed the peoples' increasing frustration with Louis' actions. Louis was now closer than ever to being forced out of power.
  • Royal Family's flight from Varennes

    Fearing for their lives, Louis and Marie-Antoinette attempted to flee Paris wearing disguises, but were soon discovered and brought back.
  • New Constitution adopted

    Tax paying men 25 and older could vote, Legislative Assembly was formed, the king's power was severely restricted.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly was started, but failed to fufill duties, and was quickly voted out of existence(by themselves) a couple years later. National Convention was formed after.
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    The document warned that the Royal family must not be harmed or else. Austria sent 50,000 troops to the border to make sure that the menifesto was followed. Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria but lost.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    A mob slaughtered all of the guards and took Louis, Marie-Antoinette, and their children, who were all demoted to commoners, and threw them in prison.
  • French Monarchy officially abolished

    Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first Republic.
  • French defeat foreign invaders

    France turned the tide of war and took the offensive against Austria and Prussia, who were attempting to preserve the monarchy. France won.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in Paris. Louis was tried first to avoid the return of the monarchy.
  • Committee of Public Safety Established

    the committee managed Frence's military defenses against foreign forces on France's borders. It created a draft for men 18-45 years old
  • Law of Suspects- Beginning of Reign of terror.

    Anyone who spoke out or fought againt the revlution was beheaded. Mass executions occured.
  • End of Reign of Terror

    The execution of Robespierre put an end to the Reign of Terror after so many people were killed because of it.
  • Creation of the Directorate

    The National Convention was dissolved and most of its members were executed so the Directorate took over as the new government.
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    The Republic structure was still on place but with the coupe d'etat, Napolean became a dictator.
  • Napolean becomes Emperor of France

    French voters supported Napolean and France became an empire. Napolean was crowned by Pope Pius VII