
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Portal of Colegio de San Gregorio, Spain, Ca. 1500 CE

    Portal of Colegio de San Gregorio, Spain, Ca. 1500 CE
    This architectural style was a major development from platero or silversmith center of the gothic. It is like a coat of arm or hugging. It is symbolizing Granada.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Feb 24, 1516

    Charles V Birthday

    Charles was the King of Spain. He was born in Belgium. He was the last Holy Emperor to be crowned by the Pope.
  • Apr 1, 1519


    Not sure the exact date but it won't let me put the year only so ignore the April 1st.
    Cortes invades Mexico and istabishes the colony of New Spain.
  • Apr 28, 1521


    Cortes has returned to Tinochitlan with a growing army from the coast of Pero who is ready to fight.
  • Apr 28, 1546

    New Laws

    The New Laws in Spain are barring Indian enslavement are repealed from the New World Colonists.
  • “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz”

    “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz”
    This was a very famous painting by El Greco. This painting was to honor the Count Orgaz after his death. The painting represents the historical-mystical series of events surronding his death.
  • El Escorial, Juan De Herrera and Juan Bautista, Spain, Ca. 1600 CE

    El Escorial, Juan De Herrera and Juan Bautista, Spain, Ca. 1600 CE
    This idea was originally made by Charles the V and built by Philipp II. It is a museum, church, monestary and palace all combined in one. It has a very classical style.
  • First Novel

    First Novel
    Don Quixote de la Mancha was the first novel written by Miguel De Cervantes. The novel talked about satirized chilvary and traditional ways. Also about the decline of Spain.
  • The Adorations of The Shepards

    The Adorations of The Shepards
    Another painting by El Greco. I was once the painting that was decorating El Greco's tomb. Then it was transferred to a higher alter that it was orignially intended for.
  • The Downfall of Spain

    Spain began to grow weaker and weaker as time went on. They are unable to manutfacture and they are spending way more than they should on gold and silver. The downfall is also caused by inflation, the Spanish Armada, and protestant forces.