section 1 euro

  • Period: Jan 1, 1154 to

    Open Field System

    System that allowed for villages to have a huge plot of land and then the land was cut into smaller pieces for each one of the village’s people
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Birth of Three Estates

    In France the first estate is the Church, second is nobility, and third is everyone else
  • Period: to


    Violent attacks in France carried out by mobs who used fronds which are slings
  • Period: to

    Guilde System

    Adam Smith was not in favor of this system, it was a group of people who had the same job in a town
  • Period: to

    Enclosure Movement

    Where land was enclosed to create it as private land rather than the community land like in the open field system
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    It was the major transition Europe had that allowed for new manufacturing processes
  • Paris Bread Riot

    Riots on how bread was so expensive that families could not afford it and when instead steal it from bakeries
  • Estates General

    First assembly in France for over a hundred years where all three estates talked about solutions to their rough financial problems
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Radical period where issues revolving politics and social aspects were addressed
  • Storming of Bastille

    When the people of France were tired of their oppression, they stormed Bastille and killed the guards and stole the gun powder
  • Bloody Sunday

    Massacre where Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II killed his protesters who were doing peaceful demonstrations
  • Russian Revolution

    Just like the bread riots in 1725, bread was overly priced for the women of Russia and they decided to try and get the price to drop by taking over the government with the middle class in Russia