Quebec Dominance

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    Fur Trade

    Located at the St. Lawrence Gulf and River, this trade route is what keeps Quebec economically stable and strong. This is long-lasting and leaves an enduring economic mark in Quebec's history and present,
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    Heyday #1

    It isn't as strong on its society as it is now, but this period saw the dirst developements of fur trading which had a giantic economic boom!
    Started a small cosmopolitan society. This would later flourish in the 1800s and upwards.
  • Establ. of Fur Trade

    Champlain establishes Quebec City at Indian site on Saint Lawrence River/fur trade dominations as a means of trading fur easily. This started the economic stability of Quebec seen today.
  • French/ Indian War

    Up to this point (subjecting out the tension leading to this), Quebec saw an economic boost from its interchange between the French society and the society of the Indian more specifically through the fur trades through the two. This caused a weakening in the economy and, through divisions, a cultural shift as well.
  • French Loses

    the French army, under the command of Montcalm lost the war to the English Wolfe. This meant that the French lost the dominance of its connection to the USA weakening its control and weakening its trade and ultimately, economy.
  • USA War of Indep.

    WAR of Independence
    the English Carleton fought off the Americans, under the command of Montgomery and Arnold. This is part of the episode of the USA War of Independence. Recall that the US was currently in trade with Quebec and this left a scar on their abilty to trade with each others and gain benefits from trade.
  • Quebec Divides

    The Constitutional Act divides Quebec into Upper Canada and Lower Canada. This causes a quick pause to the cosmopolitan society. However, as time and the two societies progressed, social and cosmopolitan interactions began at a bit of a faster rate.
  • Pacific Railroad Done

    Canadian Pacific Railroads Completed
    Canadian Pacific Railroad railroad was completed. This allowed for a faster transport of goods allowing for an economic boom.
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    This is Quebec's current Heyday. Also, currrently, the ethical composition remains highly cosmopolitan along with the fact that it is of a dominant French language and religiously is Catholic/Protestant. There is a significant effect that Quebec holds in terms of religion. Being at the mouth of the gulf of the trade center, it held huge influence in spreading and sharing the culture of this relgion where they are based around.
  • Participation in WW2

    This left an enduring technological advance in Quebec's society. For example, in this war, Quebec was introduced to new weaponary and from there also, shared its own weaponary as well. This left a huge technological change seen today.
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    Ice Hotel

    Annually, Quebec creates the largest Ice Hotel in the World with a new, unique design each year. This attracts over half a million people and has held over 130 weddings. This holds huge influences in the world of culture and architecture.
  • Foods

    Currently, the foods of Quebec, especially the ice ciders remakrs Quebec as a powerhouse in terms of new foods and advancements. Now, this food makes Quebec a regional producer of this products along with the annual festival competitions.