Brunswick Manifesto and Storming the Tuileries
Charles William Ferdinand, the Duke of Brunswick, issued the Brunswick manifesto, a proclamation that threatened the people of Paris that if they harmed the royal family the civilians would be harmed. Instead of frightening the revolutionaries, the proclamation encouraged them further and eventually was the cause of the war between France and the antirevolutionary monarchies. On August 10 an angry mob of 30,000 citizens attacked the Tuileries palace where the King and his family were living. -
Brunswick Manifesto and Storming the Tuileries
The mob killed the cooks, servants, and maids of the palace. 600 of the 900 gaurds were killed. They searched the palace for King Louis XVI, but they found that the royal family was not there because they had escaped earlier that day. The mob then moved on to the Legislative Assembly where the royal family was hiding. The King was found and arrested. This event ended the monarchy and began the trials of the King. -
September Massacres
When the news that the Prussian army had invaded France reached Paris the revolutionaries, or Jacobins, acted rashly by invading the prisons and slaughtering the prisoners for five days. They were upset by the threat of invasion and ongoing food shortages. Approximately 1200 prisoners died, half of the number of prisoners in Paris. This event displays the unfortunate lengths the Jacobins were willing to go to in order to advance the social and political causes they believed necessary. -
National Convention, Republic, Constitution of 1793
The Legislatative Assmebly was dissolved, and the French National Convention was formed to replace it. One of its first actswas to abolish monarchy and declare France a republic. This is important because it takes all power from the king and give it to the people. Soon after this, the Convention wrote the Constitution of 1793. This was considered to be the perfect model for a republic and had many reforms that people had been pushing for all throughout the Revolution. -
Louis XVI executed
King Louis XVI of France was tried for treason by the French National Convention. He was convicted and condemn to death by guillotine. This is important because it changed other countries in Europe's view about the French Revoltion. His death was thought to be the beginning of a happier time by the French people. The revolutionaries were happy because the king was finally out of the way, and they could do what they saw fit without him getting in their way. -
Committee of Public Safety
The Committee of Public Safety was made by the National Convention to look over the work of the exectuive and government officials. Because of the perils the committee had to overcome, they became more powerful. After they defeated the republicans, three of the radical jacobins were added to the nine. Eventually, the Committee became the central power for the country. They eventually took over, with Robespierre as their leader. After they were defeated, they continued to exist until 1795. -
Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror is important to the French Revolution because it was the time that the bourgeosie killed all of their enemies, people who were against the revolution. The bourgeosie killed them with the new killing maching, the guillotine. They planned to kill 2,400 people by July, 1793;however, 30,000 people lost their lives. Robespierre, leader of the Commitee of Public Saftey, was the man who ruled the reign of terror. Robespierre, himself, was the last victim of the reign of terror -
During the French Revolution, the 3rd Estate came to the conclusion that the calendar, which was based on religious events, should be renounced as well as the idea of Sunday as the worship day. Soon after, the Republican calendar was decreed which was an attempt to keep with the Revolution’s goal of promoting Reason before Religion. France soon stood as the single state that pronounced that there was no God. Soon churches closed, and priests were forced to renounce their positions. -
End of the Reign and Terror and Thermidorian reaction
In 1794, Robespierre, the leader of the Reign of Terror, was arrested on July 27th after Georges Danton, another revolutionary leader, was executed. Robespierre’s arrest marked the end of the Reign of Terror (the Thermidorian reaction). The Reign’s defeat was significant because the revolt against the democracy diminished the favor of the other countries and weakened the system allowing L’Ouverture to seize control of Haiti and Girondins and other anti-Terror men to fight for power.