October Crisis

By malder
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution came into play in Quebec in th early 1960's
  • Canada Recieves a new flag

    Canada Recieves a new flag
    It was adopted in 1965 to replace the union flag
  • Pierre Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister

    Pierre Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister
    He Became Prime Minister 15th Prime Minister
  • The Canadian Army Is Sent to Patrol Ottawa

  • James Cross is Kidknapped by FLQ

    James Cross is Kidknapped by FLQ
    James Cross kidknapped by members of the "LIberation cell" of the FLQ. They did this to try to get the known terrorists relesed.
  • The Broadcast of the FLQ Manifesto

    The Broadcast of the FLQ Manifesto
    On Oct. 8, 1970 Front de Libération du Québec released the information of kidnapped British trade official James Cross and broadcasted it over CBC/Radio-Canada.
  • Pierre Laporte is Kidknapped

    Pierre Laporte is Kidknapped
    Pierre Laporte was kidknapped along with the vice preimier of Quebec by the Cheiner Cell of the FLQ.
  • "Just Watch Me"

    "Just Watch Me"
    Famous Phrase from Pierre Trudeau.
  • Robert Lemieux asks students to boycott classes in support of FLQ

    Robert Lemieux asks students to boycott classes in support of FLQ
    Sixteen prominent men call for a negotiating "exchange of two hosteges for the political prisoners" FLQ's lawyer Robert Lemieux urges University students from Montreal to boycott classes in support of FLQ. http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=3bfe93d4-9151-49fc-8d8d-299a3d1e3642
  • The Government of Quebec asks for the help of the Canadian Army

    The Government of Quebec asks for the help of the Canadian Army
    The Government calls for the Canadain Army. All three opposing parties rise in the national assembly and agree with the decission.
  • The War measures act is enforced

    The War measures act is enforced
    The Premier of Quebec Robert Bourassa, formerly requests the federal government in Ottowa to declare a state of "apprehended insurrection" and impose marital law under the war measures act.
  • Pierre Laport is executed

    Pierre Laport is executed
    The Cheiner Cell announced Pierre Laport has been executed. He was strangled to death and placed in the truck of a car which then was abandoned in the bushes near Saint- Hubert Airport.
  • Police raid the FLQ's Chenier cell

    Police raid the FLQ's Chenier cell
    Police raded the hiding place of the FLQ Cheiner cell, although 3 members escaped Bernard Lorte was arrested and charged with the kidknapping and murder of Pierre Laport. http://www.fact-index.com/o/oc/october_crisis.html
  • James Cross is released

    James Cross is released
    After 62 days James Cross is released
  • Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announces that all troops in Quebec will be removed

    Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announces that all troops in Quebec will be removed
    He announced they will be withdrawn January 5 1971.
  • The Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms is enshrined in the constitution

    The Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms is enshrined in the constitution
    recognizes primary fundimental freedoms
    the right to vote
    to live anywhere in canada
    the right to life, liberty and security of the person