Louis XIV Timeline

  • The great ruler is born

    The great ruler is born
    Louis XIV is born and born from lois XIII of france and Anne of Austria which are the parents
  • Louis becomes the king of france

    Louis becomes the king of france
    only at age four, Louis becomes the king of france and was the longest monarch ruler out of all the european monarch rulers
  • Louis takes power from nobles

    Louis takes power from nobles
    Louis takes power away from the nobles and makes the goverment more powerful, making it a great move for him
  • makes france bigger

    makes france bigger
    louis tries to make france look bigger by invading the netherlands
  • war

    louis goes to war hoping he can gain more land, this was not succesful
  • Art

    louis makes art very popular and the performing arts
  • not enough money

    not enough money
    doesnt have enough money for wars so he raises taxes which doesnt make the people all that happy
  • spanish succession

    spanish succession
    war of spanish succesion, war lasted 12 years. france lost their colonies and wealth
  • louis dies

    louis dies
    louis dies after france goes into the hole, this makes france happy