King Louis XlV

  • Louis XlV is born

    Louis XlV is born
    The future king of France is born on September 5th 1638,
  • Louis XlV becomes King of France

    At just 5 years of age after his father's death, Louis XlV becomes the King of France but the true ruler was Cardinal Marzarin.
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    Violent Anti-Mazarin Riots

    Due to Marzarin's increased taxes and strength of the central goverment, many riots broke out that tore France apart. Many noble rioters threatened Louis's life. Louis would never forget these riots as he vowed to never let the nobles threaten him.
  • Louis Becomes the King

    Louis Becomes the King
    After Cardinal Mazarin's death, the 22-year-old Louis took control of the France.
  • Louis Invades The Spanish Netherlands

    Wanting to expand France's boundaries, Louis invaded the Spanish Netherlands, deeming it was of his wife's rightful inheritance. This lead to The War of Devolution. It lasted for a year but France would have to give some of land back due to them surrendering.
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    Franco-Dutch War

    Encouraged by the Spanish Netherlands, Louis led an army to the Dutch Netherlands in 1672 but the Dutch was able to save their country by flooding the countryside. The war ended in 1678 with the Treaty of Nijumegen but the French did gain several towns and a region called the Franche-Comete. This would help France become a dominant power.
  • Jean-Batpiste Colbert's Death

    Jean-Batpiste Colbert's Death
    Jean-Baptiste Colbert helped King Louis attain Economic Growth for France. He believed in mercantilism and making France self-sufficient. He also expanded manufacturing by giving government funds and benefits to French companies and placed high tariffs on goods from outside the country. He also influenced many colonist to go to the colonies to ship in raw materials. His death would cost a lot to King Louis and the French economy.
  • The Abolishment of the Edict of Nantes

    Louis decision to abolish the Edict of Nantes signed by his own grandfather would be fatal to France. This Edict protected the rights of Huguenots. Louis forced all children to be baptized and educated as Catholics and destroyed all Protestant churches and schools. Many Huguenots would than leave France fearing prosecution. This took away many skilled workers and business owners which continued the downfall of the economy in France.
  • The Formation of the Grand Alliance

    In order to combat King Louis XlV's foreign polices. A European-wide alliance was formed to stop France. Countries like England, Sweden, and Spain joined the allaince to help match French's This would lead to the Nine Years War. However, France was weakened after a series of poor harvest, constant warfare, and increased taxes to finance Louis's wars.
  • France and Spain's Union

    After the childless king Charles ll of Spain died, Louis XlV's grandson Philip of Anjou took over the throne. The 2 greatest powers in Europe who were former enemies are now ruled by the French Bourbons.
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    War of the Spanish Sucession

    Other countries feeling threatened by the increase in the Bourbon dynasty decided to form a union including England, Austria, the Dutch Republic, Portugal, and many German and Italian states. The war dragged on for 13 years until the Treaty of Utrecht was signed in 1713. The deal was that Louis's grandson could still be the King of Spain as long as Spain and France were not allies.
  • King Louis XlV Last Years and France's Downfall

    Since the 1680s, King Louis generated a load of hostility due to his domestic polices and constant warfare. The war would be costly for France as its economy plummeted into debt and the country fell into a famine. King Louis was the main person blamed for France's economic downfall. He died a few days before his 77th birthday and the throne was inherited by his great-grand-son, Louis XV who was 5 years old. AFter his death, people rejoiced throughout France as people had enough of the Sun King.