Honduras Timeline 2013

  • Apr 14, 1502

    Land Ho!!

    Land Ho!!
    Columbus landed on the mainland near modern Trujillo.
  • Jul 25, 1502


    This is the day Christopher Columbus discovered the land that is now known as Honduras
  • Mar 23, 1525


    The spanish began the conquest of the Honduran territory
  • Sep 9, 1539


    Spain succeeds in the conquest of Honduran territory after bitter struggles with the native population
  • The British

    The British
    Northern coast falls to British buccaneers and British protectorate established over the coastal areas
  • Boundary Line

    Boundary Line
    The Spanish king set a boundary between Honduras and Nicaragua
  • Overthrow of King

    Overthrow of King
  • Independence

    Independence gained from Spain
  • Honduras becomes Mexican

    Honduras becomes Mexican
    honduras becomes part of the mexican empire
  • Honduras Leaves Mexico

    Honduras Leaves Mexico
    Honduras breaks away from Mexico
  • Federal Republic of Central America

    Federal Republic of Central America
    Honduras becomes part of the Federal Republic of Central America, (also known as the United Provinces of Central America) which includes Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica
  • Fully Independent

    Fully Independent
    Honduras became fully indepenedent after the liberals of the United Provinces of Central America under Francisco Morazan were defeated in civil war and the union dissolved.
  • Walker Execution

    Walker Execution
    William Walker, conquerer or nicaragua, convicted and killed by the Honduras government.
  • President Miguel Devila

    President Miguel Devila
    The US helped overthrow President Miguel Devila
  • Intervention Army

    Intervention Army
    The US troops are sent to Honduras to protect American interests during election conflicts; the capital of honduras is taken by rebel Forces