
Holy Roman Empire

  • 500

    Conflict between church and state

    Conflict between church and state
    Pope Gelasius I saw that there were two symbolic swords- one religious and one political-he thought the Emperor should bow to the Pope for religious matters, but the emperor thought opposite. The Pope and Emperor both competed for power continuously.
  • Period: Jan 18, 1001 to Jan 18, 1100

    Church threatens excommunication and interdict

    Under an interdict, many sacraments and religious services could not be performed in the king’s lands.
    Popes used the threat of excommunication, or banish ment from the Church, to wield power over political rulers.
  • Jan 17, 1075

    Pope Gregory VII banned lay investure and excommunicated from church

    Pope Gregory VII banned lay investure and excommunicated from church
    The church thought that king should not be able to have the power to appoint church officials.
  • Jan 17, 1077

    Henry IV crosses Alps and asks for forgiveness

    Henry IV crosses Alps and asks for forgiveness
    Crosses Alps to small italian town, Canossa, to ask for forgiveness and end his excommunication.
  • Jan 17, 1122

    Concordat of Worms

    Concordat of Worms
    The town in Germany where Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV reached a compromise, saying the Church alone can select a bishop, but the Emperor can veto the choice.
  • Jan 17, 1152

    Frederick I is chosen as German King

    Frederick I is chosen as German King
    The seven princes while deciding who to elect for their new king realized Germany needed somebody stronger than the ones in the past and chose Frederick.
  • Jan 17, 1176

    Battle of Legnano

    Battle of Legnano
    The battle where foot soldiers of the Lombard League faced Frederick’s army of mounted knights
  • Jan 17, 1177

    Frederick I made peace with Pope

    Frederick I made peace with Pope
    He made peace with the Pope and returned to Germany.
  • Jan 17, 1190

    Empire Falls to peices

    Empire Falls to peices
    After Frederick died the empirer fell and was destroyed.
  • Charlemagne crowned Emperor

    Charlemagne crowned Emperor
    Crowned by Pope Leo III as Roman Emperor
  • Otto the great is crowned king

    Otto the great is crowned king
    He was most effective ruler of Germany and created close relationship with the church.
  • Otto invades Italy and is crowned emperor

    Otto invades Italy and is crowned emperor
    Invaded Italy on Popes behalf and was crowned emperor
  • Period: to Jan 17, 1100

    Holy Roman Empire

    German-Italian empire became Holy Roman Empire, during this period of time the empire was strongest.