Sistine chapel

Religion in Europe

By bbarry5
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Jan 1, 1500

    Modern Devotion movement

    Mostly Roman Catholic followers stressed the importance of meditation, instead of rituals.
    Hurt the power of the Catholic Church.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    70,000-100,000 people were executed for witchcraft

    Influenced by the Catholic Church.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1414 to Jan 1, 1418

    Council of Constance

    Settled the dispute in the Catholic Church that caused there to be three popes at one time.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Pope Sixtus IV issues a bull chartering Spanish Inquisition

    Pope Sixtus IV issues a bull chartering Spanish Inquisition
    Jews are expelled from Spain
    Those who do not leave are put on trial and executed.
  • Aug 1, 1516

    Concordat of Bologna

    French King agets power over the French clergy and Pope reserves the right to collect annates in France.
    Helps to keep France Catholic after the Protestant Reformation.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther makes his 95 theses.

    Martin Luther makes his 95 theses.
    Posts a list of criticisms on the door of the castle in Wittenberg, Germany.
    Lays the Foundation for the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ulrich Zwingli becomes People's Priest of the main church of Zurich

    Ulrich Zwingli becomes People's Priest of the main church of Zurich
    Petitioned for the right of clergy to legally marry in all protestant lands.
    Engineered the Swiss Reformatation from his new position.
  • May 25, 1521

    Charles V issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther a heretic and banning his writings

  • Nov 1, 1534

    The Act of Supremacy passes in England

    Breaks the church of England from Rome and establishes Henry VIII as Head of the Church.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    John Calvin publishes "Institutes of the Cristian Religion"

    John Calvin publishes "Institutes of the Cristian Religion"
    Put forth Calvin's beliefs on Christianity.
    Calvinism influence many protestant religion, including Presbyterianism.
  • Jan 1, 1537

    John Calvn Establishes his strict theocratic rule in Geneva

  • Jan 1, 1543

    Copernicus publishes "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres"

    Said the Universe was Heliocentric
    Laid the groundwork for many other criticisms of how the universe works, according to the church.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1543 to Jan 1, 1563

    Council of Trent

    Attempt to combat the Protestant Reformation
    Also attempted to fix abuses within the Catholic Church
    confirmed and reiterated Catholic positions on the priesthood, sacraments.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg allows local rulers in the Holy Roman Empire to determine if his land is Catholic or Lutheran.

  • Aug 24, 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    20,000 Huegenots were killed by Catholic insurgents in France.
  • Edict of Nantes brings some religious freedom for huegenots in France.

    Edict of Nantes brings some religious freedom for huegenots in France.
    Allows some religious freedom for Huegenots in France.
  • Protestant Union is formed

  • Catholic League is formed

    Response to the Protestant Union
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years' War

    Fought over the religious differences of Catholics and Protestants.
  • Test Act passes in Britain

    Required men in public office to take an oath of loyalty to the Anglican church.
    Meant to keep Cathoilcs out of public Office
  • Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

    Protestant churches and schools closed,Protestant Ministers exiled, and Protestant children were baptized by Catholic priests.
  • Toleration Act passes in England

    Granted some non-Anglican protestants freedom of public worship in England.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    People begin questioning superstition and religion.
    Use of the scientific method becomes normal.
  • Act of Settlement passes in Great Britain

    Bans Catholics from taking the throne.
  • Peter the Great establishes the Holy Synod

    Made both clergy and laymen, that were loyal to the Czar in charge of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • The French begin to "De-hristianize" France

    Priests are killed or forced to marry, churches are desecrated, turned into barns or torn down, and the Cathedral of Notre Dame is turned into the "Temple of Reason".
  • Cult of the Supreme Being is established in France

    Cult of the Supreme Being is established in France
  • Napoleon signs the Concordat of 1801

    Napoleon's goal was to use the clergy to support his regime.
    Catholicism was declared the "Religion of the Majority of Frenchmen.
    After pope Pius rejects it he is put under house arrest.
  • Catholic Emancipation Act passes in England

    Allows Catholics to sit in Parliament.
    Settlement Act still stands.
  • Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of the Species"

    Says that all species evolved from a few species.
    Caused many people to reevaluate their beliefs.
    Rejected by the Catholic Church until the 1930's.
  • Period: to

    First Vatican Council

    Addressed growing liberalism in the church and society.
    Was attended by both catholic and protestant leaders.
  • Italian state annexed Rome and papal lands

    Papacy became confined to the vatican.
  • The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility is instated

    State that the pope is infallible when it comes to matters of the church.
  • Pius X issues the "Syllabus of Errors"

    Condemned those who wanted to revise church doctrine to fit new modernist thought.
  • Soviet Union Nationalizes church lands and begins marginalizing the Russian Orthodox Church

  • Lateran Accords of 1929

    Recognized the sovereignty of the Catholic church over the Vatican City.
    Established a relationship between Catholic church and Italian State.
    Compensated the Church for its loss of the Papal states.
  • Hitler decides to destroy all Jews in Europe

    Hitler decides to destroy all Jews in Europe
    Six Million Jews are killed across Europe.
  • UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    UN: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Religious Freedom is recognized as a human right.