National cathedral picture

Church History

  • Period: 100 to 313

    The Persecuted Church

    From the Death of St, John to the Edict of Constantine
  • 107

    Simeon Martyred

    The first major church figure martyred during this era. He was the head bishop in Jerusalem. He was crucified.
  • 110

    Ignatius Martyred

    Ignatius was thrown to the wild beasts and worte letter to the church about suffering through persecution
  • 155

    Polycarp Martyred

    Polycarp was burned to death and was the Bishop of Asia minor
  • 166

    Justin Martyred

    He was crucifed and was a philosopher and teacher
  • 202

    Leonidas Martyred

    He was beheaded and was a great theologian
  • 305

    Diocletian Abidcates

    Diocletian abdicates the throne to Constantine
  • 312

    Constantine Becomes Emperor

    He is the first Chritian emperor
  • 313

    Edict of Toleration

    This edict put an end to the persecution of the church and caused the popularization of Christianity
  • Period: 313 to 476

    The Imperial Church

    From th Edict of Constantine to the Fall of Rome
  • 330

    Founding of Constantinople

    Chritianity was recognized as the reliogion of the Christian empire and the capital moved from Rome to the new city Constantinople
  • 337

    Barriers of the Western Empire Broken

    Barbarians from the west began to invade the Roman Empire because the capital was far away
  • 450

    Attila the Hun Invades Italy

  • 451

    The Huns Defeated at the Battle of Chalons

    Battle won in Northern France
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The territory had been reduced down to the city of Rome
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1453

    The Medieval Church

    From the Fall of Rome to the Fall of Constantinople
  • Oct 4, 632

    Mohammed Dies

    When Mohammed died Islam was born
  • Oct 4, 732

    Battle of Tours

    The spread of Islam in Western Europe ends when Charles Martel defeated the muslim advance
  • Oct 4, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Western Latin church and Eastern Greek church split
  • Oct 4, 1095

    First Crusade

    Godfrey of Bouillon took Jerusalem from the Muslims
  • Period: Oct 4, 1095 to Oct 4, 1291

    The Crusades

    The church attempts to deafeat the Muslim advance and take back Jerusalem
  • Oct 4, 1098

    Cisterians (Monastic Order)

    Gave great attention to architecture, art, and writing
  • Oct 4, 1147

    Second Crusade

    They fought off invading muslims and retained Jerusalem
  • Oct 4, 1187

    Saladin Takes Jerusalem

  • Oct 4, 1188

    Third Crusade

    The Chirsitans fought Saladin for Jerusalem and lost. However they made a treart allowing safe passge for pilgrims.
  • Oct 4, 1198

    Pope Innocent III Takes Papalcy

    Abuses his power to force states to do the bidding of the church
  • Oct 4, 1201

    Fourth Crusade

    They took Constantinople from the Greeks
  • Oct 4, 1209

    Franciscan (Monastic Order)

    Ministered to those who had the black plague. They were knwon for their love for others,
  • Oct 4, 1215

    Dominicans (Monastic Order)

    Spread faith through preaching and lived off the donation of people
  • Oct 4, 1228

    The Sixth Crusade

    St. Louis attemoted to fight the muslims by way of Egypt
  • Oct 4, 1270

    Seventh Crusade

    St. Louis tried to do it again but died before he began and the Crusade ended.
  • Oct 4, 1377

    Popes Power Returns to Rome

    Whereas before the Pope had power all over Europe, at this point in history the power was reduced to mainly Rome and her followers.
  • Oct 4, 1414

    Council of Constance

    Held to decide the claims between four popes for power. One was chosen to rule
  • Oct 5, 1453

    The Fall of Constantinople

    The city fell to the Ottoman Turks which signaled the end of the Medieval Church period
  • Period: Oct 5, 1453 to

    The Reformed Church

    From the fall of Constantinople to the end of the Thirty Year War
  • Oct 5, 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther posted 95 statements against the Catholic church to the door of the cathedral in Wittenburg. This is what jumpstarted the Reformation
  • Oct 5, 1520

    Burning of the Papal Bull

    Luther burned the Papal decree of excommunication from the pope.
  • Oct 5, 1521

    The Diet of Worms

    The Catholic church tried Luther for heresy but ended up letting him go. He did not recant his position.
  • Oct 5, 1522

    Translation of NT into German

    Luther translated the NT into German
  • Oct 5, 1529

    Diet of Spires

    Attempt by the catholic church to reconcile the division. The protestants would not budge and after that time Luthers movement was reffered to as the Protestants
  • Oct 5, 1534

    Order of the Jesuits

    Catholic missionaries aimed to fight against protestantism
  • Oct 5, 1536

    Institutes of the Christian Religion Published

    John Calvin wrote a masterful theological work call the Institutes of the Christian Religion.
  • Oct 5, 1545

    Council of Trent

    A council was formed in another attempt to reconcile the division in the church. They met from 1545-1563. It resulted in conservative reforms for the Catholic church.
  • Period: to

    Thiry Year War

    Protestants and Catholics went to war and ended with fixed boundaries between them.
  • Period: to

    The Modern Church

    From the end of the Thirty Year War to the 80's
  • Puritan Movement

    The branches of Protestantism came from this.
    1. Prebyrterians
    2. Congregationalists
    3. Baptists
  • The Great Awakening

    Jonathan Edwards began to preach against churches being luke-warm in faith
  • Moravian Missions Initiative

    Moravian church began the modern missions movement.
  • Weslyan Movement

    Jon Wesley gathered precher to spread his doctrine all over England and the American Colonies.
  • Rationalistic Movement

    People began to demand a rational and natural interpretation of scripture
  • American Missions Movement

    Missionaries were sent out from America to the world. Came out of the Haystack prayer meeting.
  • Anglo-Saxon Movement

    Was aimed to restore some of the catholic tradition to the Protestant church.
  • Hildebrand the Pope in Papalcy

    Also known as Gregory the Great he used his aithority to influence both religious and state affairs
  • Charlemagne Crowned as Emperor

    He was reguarded as the successor of Augustus and Constantine
  • Benedictines (Monastic Order)

    Required its monks to be poor and own no posessions. They made great strides in the area of agricultural.