the fall of the Bastille and then the rise of Napoleon

  • The Dismissal of Jacques Necker

    1. The French King Louis XVI dismiss Jacques Necker, the finance minister of France.
    2. Necker had implemented reforms that were beneficial to the people.
    3. His dismissal was seen as a sign of the King’s refusal to compromise with the people.
    4. This event showed the King’s unwillingness to meet the people’s demands.
    5. This event is seen as a major step towards the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a new government.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    1. On July 14th, 1789, a crowd of Parisians stormed the Bastille, an infamous prison.
    2. The crowd was protesting the high taxes and limited freedoms of the French monarchy.
    3. The storming of the Bastille was seen as an act of defiance against the monarchy.
    4. The prison was looted and its prisoners were released, symbolizing the victory of the French people over the monarchy.
    5. This event is seen as the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    1. The Third Estate of the French Estates-General swore the Tennis Court Oath.
    2. The Third Estate was made up of representatives of the French people, who were excluded from the Estates-General by the nobility.
    3. The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge to create a new constitution for France
    4. This event was a major turning point in the French Revolution, as it showed that the people would not accept their oppression any longer.
    5. This event is seen as the beginning of the French Revolution
  • The Abolition of Feudalism

    1.The National Assembly abolished feudalism.
    2. Feudalism was an oppressive system of taxation and labor imposed by the monarch.
    3. They were no longer subject to oppressive taxation and labor.
    4. This event is seen as a major turning point in the French Revolution, as it showed that the people were capable of overthrowing the monarchy.
    5. This event is seen as a major step towards the establishment of a new, more democratic government.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    1. The National Assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
    2. The Declaration was a document outlining the rights of the French people and their freedoms.
    3. This document was a clear statement of the citizens’ rights.
    4. This event showed that the people were capable of creating a new government and a new set of laws.
    5. This event is seen as a major step towards establishing a new, more democratic government.
  • The Abolition of the Monarchy

    1. The National Convention abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic.
    2. This event showed that their fight for freedom had been successful.
    3. This event showed that the people were capable of overthrowing the monarchy and establishing a new government.
    4. This event showed that the people were willing to fight for a new government.
    5. This event is also seen as the beginning of the Napoleonic era in France.
  • The Execution of King Louis XVI

    1. King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine.
    2. This event showed that the people were willing to go to any lengths to overthrow the monarchy.
    3. This event was a clear sign that they would no longer be oppressed by the monarchy.
    4. This event is seen as a major step towards establishing a new, more democratic government.
    5. It is also seen as a major step towards the rise of Napoleon, as it showed that the people were willing to fight for their freedom.
  • The Execution of Marie Antoinette

    1. Marie Antoinette, the former Queen of France, was executed by guillotine.
    2. This event showed that they were now in control of their own destiny.
    3. This event showed the people’s willingness to go to any lengths to overthrow the monarchy.
    4. This event showed that the people were determined to overthrow the old government and create a new one.
    5. This event is also seen as a major step towards the establishment of a new political system in France.
  • The Rise of Napoleon

    1. Napoleon Bonaparte became the leader of France.
    2. This event showed that the people were willing to accept a new leader.
    3. Napoleon was a military genius and a popular leader, and he was able to restore stability to France.
    4. This event is also seen as the beginning of the Napoleonic era in France, as it showed that the people were willing to put their trust in Napoleon.
  • The Napoleonic Code

    1. Napoleon issued the Napoleonic Code, a new set of laws for France.
    2. This code was a major victory for the people, as it established a new set of laws that were more equitable and just than the old laws.
    3. This event showed that the people were capable of creating a new government and a new set of laws.
    4. This event is seen as a major step towards the establishment of a new government in France, as it showed that the people were willing to accept a new leader.