French revolution

French Revolution Timeline

  • Louis XVI crowned King of France

    Louis XVI crowned King of France
    Louis XVI became the King of France after his father's death. He married Marie-Antoinette.
  • American Revolution begins

    American Revolution begins
    The American Revolution begins, which influences the people of France to rebel against the King. It is also one of the reasons France became bankrupt because of their financial support.
  • Calling of the Estates-General

    Calling of the Estates-General
    The King calls a meeting because he wants permission to tax the 1st and 2nd estate. The 3rd estate becomes upset because of unfair representation(each estate got 1 vote regardless of size).
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    The 3rd estate revolts. They create their own legislative body called the National Assembly.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    Some members of the National Assembly gathered at an indoor tennis court in Versailles. They took an oath to not disperse until a new French constitution was made and carried out.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    A prison was surrounded/attacked by an angry and violent mob. This attack on the government by the people of France started the French Revolution.
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    Thousand of Parisians(mostly women) went to the Palace of Versailles. They demanded the King do something about the lack of food and wanted him to leave Versailles. Eventually, he left due to the violent mob.
  • Declaration of war against Austria

    Declaration of war against Austria
    Reactionaries wanted war because they thought that the new government would be defeated by Austria so King Louis XVI could take back the throne. Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought it would reunite the country.
  • The National Convention is formed

    The National Convention is formed
    The National Convention was to make a new constitution. The National Convention was a more radical body of government.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    Louis XVI was charged with treason for talking with Austria. He was executed by guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The reign of Maximilien Robespierre became known as the reign of terror.Robespierre was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and ordered the execution of many people.
  • The Thermidorian Reaction

    The Thermidorian Reaction
    In the month of Thermidor, the people became tired of all the violent killings. Robespierre was executed by guillotine.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    The Directory was made up of upper-middle class men. They were faced with many problems after coming to power. The Directory was a two house legislature and an executive body of five men.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    Napoleon was a military general many people loved. He came to power in a coup d'etat.
  • Napoleon invade Russia

    Napoleon invade Russia
    Napoleon was mad that Russia didn't listen to the Continental System. He invaded Russia with 680,000 men. He returned back to France with only 120.000 men.
  • Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon defeated at Waterloo
    Napoleon was defeated by British and Prussian forces at Waterloo. They sent him away again to the island of St. Helena and Napoleon died there due to a stomach ailment.