French Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    Bourbon Monarchy Ends

    The Bourbon dynasty had thrones in Spain, Naples, Sicily, and Parma. Spain and Luxembourg already had monarchs of the Bourbons.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly is in session making the first constitution

    Assembly's belief in a nation run by monarchs and can be seen in the constitution to separate powers. The National Assembly was legislative body, the king, ministers but, the judiciary was independent of other two branches.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    In Paris, France the prison where debtors were kept, it was destroyed and set all of them free. The building showed power and royalty which was destroyed by the anger citizens
  • Period: to

    Duration of National Convention

    The National Convention was the third government who was the first French assembly elected without distinctions of class.
  • Period: to

    Commitee of Public Safety Conducts the Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror was to purge France of enemies of Revolution and protect country from invaders of other countries
  • Second constitution est. Directory government

    Second constitution est. Directory government
    It was a group of five men with executive power in France according to the constitution of the French Revolution . Chosen by the new legislature, the Council of 500 and the Council of Ancients each year one director was eventually replaced.
  • Period: to

    Term of Directory Government

    Directory would have no legislative power had authority to appoint people to fill the other positions within government. Annual elections were held.
  • Napoleon conducts coup d'etat directory government est. consulate government

    Napoleon conducts coup d'etat directory government est. consulate government
    Consulate was government of France from fall of the Directory in the coup of Brumaire until start of the Napoleonic Empire in 1804. The Consulate also refers to period of French history.