
French Revolution

  • Causes of the French Revolution

    Causes of the French Revolution
    The French Revolution had changed France a lot at that time. Political Inequalities was a major cause. Inequalities were the Nobles and higher people did not have to pay taxes or work hard as the other people did. They had lots of power. The commoners on the other hand had no power, had to work hard to pay a lot of tax. They were also known as peasants who did not have a voice politically.
  • Cont. Causes of the French Revolution

    Cont. Causes of the French Revolution
    Government bankruptcy in year of 1789, this was Louis XIV who spent too much money same with his successor Louis XVI who spent all the money on himself and his wife and for his living. Which made the life for the poor even worse than it already was by increasing taxes and price of food. The government went bankrupt in the year of 1789.
  • cont. Causes of the French Revolution

    cont. Causes of the French Revolution
    he American Revolution influenced the French revolution, The French revolution happened because the French was motivated to fight against the rich because of the main causes listed above. This was because the poor wanted to fight for their rights and freedom and equality.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

  • Louis XVI called the Estates General

    Louis XVI called the Estates General
    Louis XVI called the Estates General In 1789 because… Louis XVI’s wife was spending all the money and Louis XVI needed help with taxation which was creating the French revolution, he did not want to call the estates general as they were meeting after 175 years. Only the third estate was paying taxes, Louis XVI believed everyone should pay taxes to get out of financial crisis.
  • The Tennis Court Oath/Creation of the National Assemble

    The Tennis Court Oath/Creation of the National Assemble
    The third estate began calling themselves the national assembly, after meeting in the indoor tennis court at Jiu de Paume after the guards and royal troops had locked the meeting hall at the hotel des menus Plaisir's. They after took an oath at the tennis court. To not separate from each other and be together when needed.
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    Parisians Storm the Bastille
    Parisian citizens were angry for multiple reasons including, the money and power the king had and was spending money on parties, and on themselves, The king talking about raising taxes and overthrowing the government. Because of the population of the third and lowest estate, they then had enough power and gunpowder and weapons to fight against the rich and kings army. It was important because this took a huge part in the French revolution this motivated the king to let all be equal and pay taxes
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The declaration of the rights of man in 1789, a fundamental document of French constitutional history, drafted by Emmanuel Sieyès, adopted by the Constituent Assembly on Aug. 26, 1789, and resembles the French constitution of 1791.The rights to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression" and the rights to freedom of speech and of the press were guaranteed.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    Constitution of 1791, was the first French constitution which was created by the French whom continued to have monarchy. However, the sovereignty decided to forcefully stay in the legislative assembly, they also got voted by indirect votes. The new constitution committee had issues with citizenship.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    The Execution of Louis XVI took place on January 21 1793 at the Place de la Revolucion (Revolution Square), by a Guillotine, it was one of the major event that occurred during the French Revolution. convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and in a near unanimous vote by the people he was pronounced guilty and sentenced to death.
  • The Committee of Public Safety

    The Committee of Public Safety
    The committee of public safety (CPS) created in April 1793 by the national convention. The committee was meant to function as a War council. Committee of Public Safety most responsible for the Reign of Terror. The CPS was not the first powerful committee of the French revolution.
  • The Reign of Terror .

    The Reign of Terror .
    was the most violent period of the French Revolution. Between the summers of 1793 and 1794 more than 50,000  people were killed for suspected counter-revolutionary activities or so called crimes against liberty One third of 50,000 people were killed by the blade if the Guillotine. The Reign of Terror ends with the fall of Robespierre on July 27. The Convention charges Robespierre and his allies with crimes against the Republic. They are accused condemned & guillotined within two days executed.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    Nine months after execution of her husband, Marie Antoinette is Executed by the guillotine on October 16 1793 because she was guilty of three charges; depletion of the national treasury, conspiracy against the internal and external security of the State, and intelligence with the enemy. Conspiracy against the internal and external security of the State alone was enough to get her sentenced to death.   
  • Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre,the most influential figure associated with The French Revolution and The Reign of Terror. As the leader of the committee of public safety (CPS), he encouraged execution but most of his executions being with the Guillotine, more than 17,000 enemies of the revolutions. On July 27, 1794 Robespierre and his allies were placed under arrest by the National Assembly. Robespierre was taken to the Luxembourg prison in Paris, but the warden refused to put him in jail.
  • Cont. Execution of Maximilien Robespierre

    When Robespierre heard that the National Convention had declared him an outlaw, He shot himself but only managing to wound his jaw. On July 28 Robespierre and 21 others were guillotined without a trial in the Place de la Revolucion (Revolution Square). Days after Robespierre Execution another 82 of his followers were executed ending the reign of terror. Robespierre relationship with the Guillotine was that he used it in almost all his executions.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    he Directory was a five-member committee which governed France from 1795, when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety, until it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte it was a group of five men who held the executive power in France according to the constitution of the year 1795 of the French Revolution. They were chosen by the new legislature, by the Council of Five Hundred and the Council of Ancients. Each year one director, chosen by lot, was to be replaced.
  • Cont. The Directory

    Which lasted four years, from November 1795 to November 1799.The Directory managed to stabilize France and ending the reign of terror by beheading Robespierre.
  • The Aftermath of The French Revolution

    The Aftermath of The French Revolution
    The goal of the Revolution was to overthrow Louis XVI, to establish France as a republic, reform the financial and political structure of the nation, “Liberty, Fraternity and Equality”. Aftermath of the Revolution had a major impact on France and Europe, which resulted in an establishment of democratic institution, elections, constitutions and a modern government. The French Revolution also resulted in economic gains for the lower class development of  liberalism and eliminated traditional laws.
  • The Rise of the Napoleon Bonaparte

    The Rise of the Napoleon Bonaparte
    Fighting in one of the many wars was Napoleon Bonaparte. He provided a strong military leadership when the French decided to overthrow the Directorate. He also achieved victories against France's continental enemies and brought peace to France for the first time in years. The price however, was an eventual loss of freedom for the people of France, as Napoleon had himself crowned emperor in 1804