French Revolution

  • Bourbon Monarchy ends

    It ended because Louis had to undertake the second republic. Some people disagreed to recognize the Orleanist monarchy.
  • Storming of Bastile

    Storming of Bastile
    This happened because the members of the third estate got mad at the members of the first and second Estate because the third estate wanted it so each delegate gets a vote.. The members of the third estate raided the Bastile so they could get weapons and free people in debt.
  • National assembly in session making 1st constitution

    National assembly in session making 1st constitution
    It was created because of the collapse of monarchy in Ancien Regime. It is important because it was the first hand written constitution in france.
  • Duration of national convention

    Duration of national convention
    The national convention set up the committee of public safety. It was voted in the national assembly to get rid of monarchy permanently.
  • committee of public safety conducts reign of terror

    committee of public safety conducts reign of terror
    30,000 people were killed in reign of terror, they were killed if they did not support the king. Maximillian Robespire
  • Term of directory government

    Term of directory government
    They first focused on ending reign of terror. This was successful and the executions stopped.
  • second constitution establishes directory government

    second constitution establishes directory government
    It replaced Committee of public safety. The directory was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Napolean conducts coup d'etat against directory and establishes consulate government

    Napolean conducts coup d'etat against directory and establishes consulate government
    The consulate was created to replace the directory which was overthrown. While this was happening Napoleon declared himself head of the government in France.