french revolution

  • The estate general meets

    The estate general meets
    Louis XVI called the meeting of the 3 estate. To try and find a solution to frances economic problems. The Clergy and the nobilty outranked the 3rd estate becasue they were more privileged.
  • 3rd estate declared themselves the "National Assembly"

    3rd estate declared themselves the "National Assembly"
    3rd estate forms national assembly; voted to pay off the huge debt by taking over and selling the churchs land. They took an oath to force a new constitution on the king.
  • The tennis court Oath

    The tennis court Oath
    3rd estate got locked out of estates general. Then goes to The tennis court and make the "Tennis Court Oath" to meet until they make a new constitution. It was signed by 576 of th5 577 members
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Rumors that the government was attacking the city of paris. They stormed the Bastille with gun powder and weapons (for safety). They killed a bunch of guards and paraded there heads around.
  • National Assembly issued the Decelaration of the rights of man and citizen

    National Assembly issued the Decelaration of the rights of man and citizen
    Similar to the American Declaration of Independence. It preserved french citizens natural rights. (Louis agreed to sign it but had no intentions of following through with his promises.)
  • Womens march to the palace of Versailles

    Womens march to the palace of Versailles
    The women refused to leave paris until the king and queen as prisoners of the revolution. They were demanding bread for their fmilies. The march was one of the earliest and most significant events of The French Revolution.
  • Creation of Legislative Assembly

    Creation of Legislative Assembly
    The creation of the legislative assembly created a constitutional monarchy. It replaced the National Constituent Assembly. The 3rd estate formed the Legislative Assembly.
  • Period: to

    Creation of Legislative Assembly

  • Louis XVI and Marie antoinette attempt to flee france

    Louis XVI and Marie antoinette attempt to flee france
    They attempted to flee to escape paris when the revolution got very violent. They were caught and sent back when they reached versailles. It was a significiant event in The French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI and Marie antoinette attempt to flee france

  • Creation of National Convention

    Creation of National Convention
    National convention created a constitutional monarch (limited). It was formed by the 3rd estate. The members of the Ntionl Convention had been elected to represent the estates of the realm.
  • Period: to

    Creation of National Convention

  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sencenced to death by the french national convention. Louis XVI was executed for treason. Was a major event of the french revolution.
  • Reign of Terror/ comitee of public safety

    Reign of Terror/ comitee of public safety
    Over 40,000 french citizens executed. The committee of public safety was responsible. Region of the terror, while robespierre and committee of public safety rule.
  • Period: to

    Reign of terror/ comitee of public safety

  • Marie Antoine Executed

    Marie Antoine Executed
    She was executed after a 2- day trial. She was executed for treason. The monarchy was abolished after her execution.
  • Maximilien Robespierre is executed

    Maximilien Robespierre is executed
    He was overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. After a public reaction against his extreme policies and his role in the regin of terror. Ribespierre was executed without a trial.
  • France ruled by the directory

    France ruled by the directory
    Consisted of 5 men that were moderates, not revolutionary idealists. This gave France a period of order. It replaced the Committee of Public Safety.
  • Period: to

    France ruled by directory