The french revolution

  • Period: to

    Food shortage

    During the revolution the food prices went up because there was little to no food which kept the people from ever getting any food.
  • The national assembly

    The national assembly
    This was formed when the third estate felt like they were being cheated out of fair rule.
  • The national assembly storming the Bastille

    The national assembly storming the Bastille
    This when the national assembly thought the king sent guards to arrest to so they went to the Bastille to get weapons to revolt.
  • The declaration of rights of man and citizen

    This was made when the national assembly was just in its first phase.
  • The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    This was made when the national assembly was in the its first phase.
  • Adopting the National assembly

    Adopting the National assembly
    This is the event where the Third estate adopted The National Assembly.
  • The March of Women

    The March of Women
    The march was about the unfair point that the women did not have the same rights of a man which caused the idea to basic rights.
  • The National Convention

    The National Convention
    The first met was September 21 1792 it later ended November 3 1795 due to the new Constitution being made.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    A period where hundreds french citizens were executed for not supporting the war it had ended when the creator was executed to end it.
  • The Execution of Louis the XVI

    The Execution of Louis the XVI
    The execution of Louis the XVI Allowed people to come together and be able to talk to each other and have a national convention.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    This event happened when they made a new constitution because the of old constitution had multiple problems.
  • The Financial Crisis

    The Financial Crisis
    This happened because of the war that was happening the lower class was just getting money.