
The French Revolution!

  • #1) Luis XVI Takes Throne

    #1) Luis XVI Takes Throne
    Married, and is very young. Bad ruler too! Was mostly dominated by his wife, Mary Antoinette. Oh
  • #2) The Storming of Bastille!

    #2) The Storming of Bastille!
    Citizens living in Paris captured and mobbed the much hated prison, Bastille.
  • #3) The National Assembly!

    #3) The National Assembly!
    Louis's gov about to go bankrupt, and the National Assembly is formed(doomed to fail in 1791).
  • #4) Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen.

    #4) Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen.
    The National Assembly adopts the paper: Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen.
  • #5) The Great Fear!

    #5) The Great Fear!
    The common peasants are terrified of the high and wealthy and powerful nobles/clergy. They send hired outlaws to go terrorize them.
  • #6) Flight to Varennes.

    Louis and his family tries to escape, but fails and is caught at Varennes.
  • #7) Legislative Takeover!

    #7)  Legislative Takeover!
    National Assembly disbands, Legislative takes over, and they can creat the Consitution.
  • #8) Revolutionary division.

    #8) Revolutionary division.
    The revolutionary leaders turn on each other.
  • #9) Austria and Prussia.

    #9)  Austria and Prussia.
    Austria and Prussia support the Royal Palace, and so send troops to aid them.
  • #10) Royal Palace Invasion.

    #10)  Royal Palace Invasion.
    20,000 parisians capture Mary Antoinette and her children in their Royal Palace.
  • #11) Louis XVI Executed.

    King Louis found guilty, and sentenced to death by guillotined. People probably were happy about that. Ew.
  • #13) Drafting Army-

    The National Assembly drafts 300,000 citizens as soldiers.
  • #12) Royal Allies-

    Great Britain, Holland, and Spain send troops to help fight the french rebels.
  • #14) Maximillion Robespierre.

    He was once a revolution leader, and he became corrupted and tried to take power for himself. Dun-Dun-Dun!
  • #15) Reign of Terror!

    Robespierre rules as a dictator, and kills about 40,000 killed in only Paris in only 1 year. WOW! Bloody...
  • #16) Robespierre executed!

    National Commitee turns on Robespierre,(he joined them), and ironically kills him with the same method used to kill his enemies, rivals, and victims.
  • #17) Moderates & Napolean!

    Moderates draft a new Constitution, they create a 2-house legislative, create executive of 5 people; and Napolean Bonaparte chosen to lead France's armies.
  • #18) Napolean's Rise and Fall!

    He was a succesful military leader, gained power due to France's political instability, had a golden age of being emperor, got defeated by Austria and Russia, went into exile, got strong again, exiled AGAIN, and then died maybe of stomach cancer in St. Helena.
  • #19) Title *

    #19) Title *
    Several CENTURIES later, I made this timeline about the events that happened! And you also read/graded it too! The-End! Bye! :D hehehe