French Revolution By: Hannah Ekstrum Hour: 4

  • (#1) The Meeting of The Estates General

    (#1) The Meeting of The Estates General
    On May 5, 1789, the Estates General met at Versailles. Right away they found an issue, should they vote by head (giving the advantage to the Third Estate), or by estate (where the two higher estates could outvote the other estate)? As a result from this, the Third Estate created the National Assembly where they made a separate legislative for France.
  • (#2) The Tennis Court Oath

    (#2) The Tennis Court Oath
    On June 20,the third estate got locked out of their regular meeting place so they decided to hold the meeting in the kings indoor tennis court and swore to an oath that they would not disperse until they had made a new constitution for France.
  • (#3) The Storming of Bastille

    (#3) The Storming of Bastille
    The reformed National Guard take over the main jails in Paris and steal stuff from the munition stores. This is a huge defeat for power in Paris.
  • (#4) The Declaration of Rights

    (#4) The Declaration of Rights
    The third estate issues an important document saying that the government representatives have to give supreme power to all of the people.
  • (#6) The Reign of Terror

    (#6) The Reign of Terror
    (The Reign of Terror started on the fifth of September, in 1789, and ended on the twenty-eighth of July, in 1794) The new regime led by the Jacobsins resorted to mass executions.The majority of the victims were apart of the third estate. Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobsins and the most powerful man in France at the time.
  • (#5) The March on Versailles

    (#5) The March on Versailles
    Thousands of woman are upset about the high bread prices so they march twelve miles from Paris to the royal palace. By the following morning they have gained about twenty thousand people. They broke into the palace and killed the guards while forcing the royals back to Paris, where they became prisoners of the city.
  • (#7) The Rise of Napoleon and Creation of an Empire

    (#7) The Rise of Napoleon and Creation of an Empire
    The Directory wanted Napoleon to lead an invasion on France. But he didn't think his ships were strong enough to take on England. So he decided to plan an invasion on Egypt, so they could cut off a trading route that England used. They successfully won against Egypt, but later when France fought against England there ships were so badly damaged that they lost the battle. I'm not sure the exact date that this took place, but Napoleon started his rise in 1792 and it lasted until 1799.
  • (#8) Napoleon’s Empire Collapses

    (#8) Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
    Sometime in 1812 (I don't have an exact date) Napoleon led his army to Russia to retaliate against them for withdrawing from the Continental System. But it didn't go the way he thought it would every time he moved into 'Russia's territory' Russia would retrete. Napoleon was waiting for them to surrender, but it never came. So Napoleon and his troops waited in the freezing cold and when they couldn't take it any longer they went back home with many casualties and money down the drain.
  • (#9) The Congress of Vienna

    (#9) The Congress of Vienna
    I don't have a specific date for this one either I just know that it started in 1815. The Congress of Vienna was created by the four European powers that had defeated Napoleon they had two goals. The first one was to restore balance of power, to prevent imperialism. The second was to prevent political revolutions and maintain the status quo.