
French Rev

  • Estate Meeting

    Estate Meeting
    this was the meeting/ gathering that discussed the taxes the 3 estates had to pay. the people wanted it so that all estates would have to pay the taxes. the parliment refused and aused confkict between the parliment and people.
    Cite: Wikipedia
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    the 3 estates had different opinions on voting. the first and second estate wanted a "vote by bloc". the third estste wanted a "vote by head" method. Cite: Wikipedia
  • Tennis court Oath

    Tennis court Oath
    the third estate was being left out of prep for an iportant meeting. the third estste decided to meet on a tennis court. they made an oath to get fair ights for france. Cite:Wikipedia
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    the paris mob was furious that there were troops in the streets of paris. the mob took it upon themselves to get into the bastille. the bastille had weapos of all osrts and they wanted to arm themselves. Cite:Wikipedia
  • the great fear

    the great fear
    after the storm of the bastille people were scared about what would be next. people in france didnt know what the mob/ revolutioners would do to paris/ france now. Cite: Wikipedia
  • DRM

    this was a document that the angry people of france created. this said that all people had certain rights that can never be taken away.
  • march on versailles

    march on versailles
    people throughout france heard that king louis 16 stepped on the flag of france. this made the french people furious and dicouraged. women lead the march to king louis and demanded bread they make the royal family go to france with them to sign the DRM.
  • clergy constition

    clergy constition
    it was a constition created to bring the clergy government under control. it was used to make the clergy aware of the supremecy of the french gov over the pope.
  • france vs. austria

    france vs. austria
    france went to war with fellow country austria. prussia and austria were alligned so france was fighting both
  • sept massacres

    sept massacres
    a mob led by marat went into prisons and killed up to 1600 prisoners. this was caused by fear of the revolution.
  • King Louis 16 death

    The people of France were tired of having an unruly King. They beheaded the King with the help of a guillotine.
  • levee en masse

    levee en masse
    the CPS made a document saying that people needed more protection. the french rev was the cause of this. all men between the ages of 18 and 25 had to fight, as long as they had no spouse.
  • Reign of terror

    Robespierre was controlling France. They killed anyone who was against the revolution.
  • robespierres death

    robespierres death
    he was arrested on july 27th. he was soon executed after that.
  • Napoleon over throws

    Napoleon was a leader in the French army. He lead them to many victories. He took ahold of too much power and overthrew the French gov.
  • Napoleans death

    The army leader finally dies after many years in charge