French Monarchs

  • Henry IV

    Henry IV
    Reign: Aug 2nd, 1589 - May 14th, 1610
    As a Huguenot, Henry was involved in the French Wars of Religion, barely escaping assassination in the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, and later led Protestant forces against the royal army. Henry, as Head of the House of Bourbon, was a direct male-line descendant of Louis IX of France, and first prince of the blood.
  • Louis XIII

    Louis XIII
    Reign: Sept 27th, 1610- May 14th, 1643
    King Louis XIII reign lasted 33 years from 1610 to 1643 and was also the king of Navarre as Louis II till 1620, all after Henery VI was assassinated. He became king at the age of of 8 and was king all the way till he died at the age of 41.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Reign: May 14th, 1643 - Sept 1st, 1715
    Louis XIV is the longest reigning monarch in european history being a monarch for 72 years and 110 days. Louis XIV never really did much until his chief minister died in 1661 and that is when Louis XIV took his rule personal.
  • Louis XV

    Louis XV
    Reign: Sept 1st, 1715 - May 10th, 1714
    Louis XV suceeded his great grandfather at the age of five and did not reach adulthood till 1723. Many people believe that Louis XV's desicion making skills are what caused the French Revolution with him being very stuck up.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    Reign: May 10th, 1774 - Sept 4th, 1791
    Louis XVI wanted to incread the the tolerance toward non catholic people a make them feel safe. With Louis XVI's indecisiveness and conservatism people believed he was a tyranical leader.
  • Louis XVII

    Louis XVII
    Reign: Jan 21st, 1793 - June 8th, 1795
    Louis XVII became king when his father was exectuted during the Frech Revolution. Louis XVII was imprisoned in 1792 and was imprisoned until he he died at the age of ten in 1795. Louis XVII was never officially king and never officially ruled over France.