French revolution

Frence Revolution Timeline (Shea Crist)

  • Marie Antionette

    Marie Antionette
    Marie Antionette was the Queen of France and was the ninth child. Marie was surounded by enemies both at court and dauphins household. Marie's marriage took place at versailles in 1770. Marie also was the winner of affection and confidence.
  • Robespierre

    Robespierre studied as lawyer and had high acedemic rates. Robespierre also helped write the Declaration of rights of Men. Robespierre became a supporter of the death penalty even thought he fought against it at the begininng of the French Revolution
  • Causes of French Revolution

    Causes of French Revolution
    France was bankrupt because France had fought in and spent alot of money fighting against England. Prices went up and France was short on food. People were hearing tha Kings powers should be limited. France also had severe droughts which resulted in a bad harvest. Got from notes.
  • National Assembly created

    National Assembly created
    Due to the economic strain on France and the ideas of the Enlightenment. a group of commoners established the National Assembly against the will of King Louis XVI.The Assembly became the founder for legislative bodies in the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was that the third estate would keep meeting until the DRM was complete.The Tennis Court Oath was a result of the growing depression of the Third Estate in France in the face of King Louis XVI's admire to hold onto the country's history of absolute government. The deputies of the Third Estate were coming together for a meeting to discuss the amend.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    The Bastille is the official start of the French Revolution. The Revolutuonary war started when these men marched to the Bastille searching for food and gun powder. after that more arguments were going on and that is how the French war started.
  • D.R.M

    The National Assembly was forced to meet at nearby tennis courts.The paln was tto create a document with rights the French people should have.This document is called the Declaration of the Rights of Men. Got from notes
  • Bread March

    Bread March
    Thousands of women from paris marched 12 miles to versaillies. The women were armed with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols, and muskets. The women also wanted food and King Louis 16 to sign the D.R.M. Got from notes
  • Civil constitution of Clergy

    Civil constitution of Clergy
    The civil constitution was passed when the roman Catholic church agreed with the French Government. About half of the lower clergy and ver few number of bishopsto the oath of loyalty. Catholic clerics suported the act and the French government.
  • royal escape

    royal escape
    The royal family was under house arrest in their paris. The National Assembly kept forcing King Louis XVIto sign law after that took more and more power away from the king. The king and his family got in their royal carriage and started headed for austria, they got right to the Austrian border but were spotted and captured. Got from notes
  • Creation of National Convention

    Creation of National Convention
    Association that governed France during the most critical time period of the French Revolution. The National Convention was created to add a new constitution for the country after the abolishment of the monarchy. The Convention numbered 749 backups, including businessmen, tradesmen, and many professional men.
  • Death of Louis 16

    Death of Louis 16
    King louis showed up at the wrong time at the historcal place. People were not happy with him and started to hate him. People started to lose crops and the food prices went up.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    When the war started the French army was losing and the Austrians army got to within 30 miles or so of paris. As a result, the French government started killing anyone who was against the French Revolution. 40,000 people including Marie Antoinette will be sent to the guilltoine. Got from notes
  • Napoleon becomes Dictator of France

    Napoleon becomes Dictator of France
    Napoleon was a very active man. He was educated at military school and he joined as a junior. After that he was commander of the French army. Then in 1799 he was the dictator of France because of King Louis16 died.
  • Invasion of Spain

    Invasion of Spain
    At the time France and Spain were allies. After the Spanish fleet was destroyed at Trafalgar, Napoleon was mad with the performance of his ally.The Spanish government declared a proclamation calling the people to unite against an unamed enemy.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon was going to invade Russia but the Russian General didn't want to have an open battle. Instead of departing back he wanted to attack the enemy. After a few weeks him and his army went back home so they wouldn't starve to death sitting in Russia waiting to battle.