Chapter 18

  • Early life

    napoleon was born in 1769. He was bored in a island around meditrean. his education was mainly miltiary.
  • The three estate

    The three estate
    The first estate is the roman cathloic clegry. Which are important and on top.
    second is the nobilites that work as for the goverment,military, or law court.
    The third is divided by your wealth and eduction. Peasants made most of the popularity that are at the bottom.
  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
    Since the goverment put much money on the french revolution their started to be slowdown on food shortages, rising prices for food, and unemployment. The number of poor, estimated almost one-third of the population.
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    Declaration of the rights of man
    Went on t proclaim freedom and equal rights for all men. This also brought another issue. Equal rights for all women.
  • The king concedes

    Louis XVI denined national asssembly decrees on the abolition of feudalism and the declaration rights. women were talking to him becaue their children were hungry. The women told the king and went with supplies.
  • War with Austria

    European lead spread to the countries which Austria and Prussia threatned to use force on Louis XVI. Which then the legislative assembly wanted war with austria. Which the french fared badly in the fight.
  • Crises and Response

    The local government made changes on radical positions. Government had inasion of France. The convemtial gave power to comuntiee.
  • military successses

    He reached any rank easily in the french army. He had became a caotain, but than later in years he had became 1796 commander of the french army. he was a great person to trust
  • The reign of terror

    It was a 12 month period from defending france from foregin and domestic threats. Also the national convention and the committee of public set effort to reign of terror. The court was ready to prosecute internal enemies of the revolutionary republic.
  • crushing rebellion

    The armies were ready to bring rebellious cities to under control. some 1880 citizens of the city were executed. Their was gullotining proved too slow grapeshot.
  • The republic of virtue

    when the committee had got scared the robespere. The sent representives on a mission to government all parts of france. they made new schools and educated induviuals and good citizens.
  • end of terror

    The french had beat the foregin foes. Their was less needed for the regin terror. many deputies in the national convention who feared robersphere.
  • The rise of Napoleon

    Napoleon had dominated french and european history from 1799 to 1815. He had stopped the french revolution. the french had owed him alot.