French revolution 2


  • estates genral convened by king

    estates genral convened by king
    was the first meeting of the french including , part of the government, the church and the common people.leaded by king louis to come up with ideas for his finanancial went on to may and june and the third esate most of them were in there.
  • tennis court oath

    tennis court oath
    was an event in the french revolution, it was signed by 576 of the 577 memebers from the third estate, who were locked out and came up and made a conference in a tennis court.
  • storming of the bastille

    storming of the bastille
    in paris july 4th 1789, a group of people stormed the bastille looking for gunpowder and weapons. they killed hundreds of people and the governor and mayor were killed in this bizarness.
  • national assembly decrees abolition of feudalism

    national assembly decrees abolition of feudalism
    tehy were nineteen decrees in all of the antional assembly decrees. this event was made by the antional constitute toook place in august and wa scaused by a report which was not suppposed to be refuses the feudal system.
  • national assembly decrees:declaration of the rights of man and the citizen.

    national assembly decrees:declaration of the rights of man and the citizen.
    it was a document in the french revoution giving people collective rights to come together as a universal. wa scaused or made because of a doctrine of a natural right.the declaration of rights of man and it gave the french citzens the rights whether it is women or slaves. it was like a document of human rights.
  • women's march for bread

    women's march for bread
    it is known as the "october march' was an event of a french revolution. the march began in market places by women who wanted the prices kto go doen because everything was going way to expensive.the women grew into a mob and by that they attacked the king and his family forcing them to do what they asked to do.
  • abolition of nobility and titles

    abolition of nobility and titles
    this takes away all the hereditary. it states that any citizen in french government of out side from it must use their real name in the family. in other words use the father's name in the was a hereditary characteristic. if you dont folow this rule you must be burned in all churches.the titles of royal higness and hignesses shall not be used against this rule.
  • black citizens of french colonies granted equal rights

    black citizens of french colonies granted equal rights
    the society of the friends of tehbalcks(FRench;socite des amis des noirs or ais des noirs) was a group of french men and women, mostly white, who abolitionists. in febuary 1794,teh antional assembly legislated the universal emancipation decree, which effectively freed all colonial slaves.
  • beggining of legislative assembly

    was a legislative from france it went from october to was the focus of politics between the time of national constituion assembly and of the national was on by two opposing gropus the constitutional monarchy and the feuillant.
  • execution of king louis XVI

    execution of king louis XVI
    he was the king of the france and was excuted on january 21st,1792 at a plcae called the "de la revolution"in paris. what caused all this was the fall of monarcy.all this happpened in a casue of king louis was arrested and his family.most majority of the people wanted him to die.and his wife was killed the same year.
  • jacobin masses storm the tuileries palace,massacring the swiss guard and the king imprisoned.

    it was a new government form paris that was known a sthe was a very big supporter of the national guard. and itw as also called "a place of the tulleires".which the royal family took it very serious.
  • commitee of public safety established

    commitee of public safety established
    this event was created by a national guard and then built up again in 1793.this event was an important stage of the french was composed with a nummber of people .they were the first nine and and later people started coming on and they become twelve.
  • beggininng of the reign of terror

    beggininng of the reign of terror
    a period of terror that began when the french revolution entered the phase of political conflict namely between the political factions of the girondins and jacobins.the guillotine became the method of settling disputes. the law of suspects allowed the creation of tribunals to try and execute anyone who disagreed with the french public.
  • end of the reign of terror

    end of the reign of terror
    robespierre is arrested and excuted ending the phase known as The Terror, it occuured during the time of the french revolution.what caused it to happen was political misunderstanding and the poeple and the people that were in it which were the girondins and the jacobins. they were called the"enemies of the revolution".many wre killed from 16,000-40,000 by the guilotine which became a symbol of revolutionary.
  • creation of the directorate

    creation of the directorate
    it was an event of the income tax. peole wer trying to get their taxes lowered. the convention dissolved itslef in a favor of dictorship of the directorate.
  • napolean bonaporte named"first consul" now the effective dictator

    napolean bonaporte named"first consul" now the effective dictator
    he was the first guy of the coast.;he made himself look appearing and a guy to make himself get into or become the ruler of france.napolean was only 30 years and in those years hie has been in million of battles with a good and wonderful military records. in the winter he opened a new army at dijon so that it they can back at their enemies.
  • napolean consecrated as emperor

    napolean consecrated as emperor
    a guy named jacques louis was asked by napolean to paint a picture for him and this picture had to include the parts of the emperor's achievements or the strength that he has.he was invited at the ceremony and came with the picture. everyone one in the room was very delightful because the picture had very good tips and he followed the emperor's instruction.