Tyler's Timeline

By Tyler64
  • Jan 1, 1500


  • Jan 1, 1500


    Long Houses
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier's first voyage

    Explored and mapped st-lawrence.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Jacuqes Cartier 2nd voyage

    Sailed up to st-lawrence. Indians showed how to survive the winter and Europeans showed disease and iron.
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Jauqes Cartier's 3rd voyage

    Attempted to set up a conlony but it was unsucssesful.
  • Samuel DeChamplain sets up first settlement

    Set up in Nova Soctia called Port Royal. It failed due to it's position.
  • Champlin sets up first trading post

    Sets up in Stataconda (where the river narrows).
  • Period: to

    Champlin sets up first trading post

  • Royal Government

    King: Ruler of all the parties
    MInister of Marine: In form the king
    Governer: commander of army, defence, extrnal affairs
    Intendant: Controlled budget, collecting txes, justice, seigniorial system, built roads
    Bishop: Aministerd parish, priest, hospital, school
  • Period: to

    Jean Talon increasing population

    Soldiers were offer free land if they stayed
    Filles du Roi
    Couples who got married young got payed
    Father who had daughters who weren't married got fined
  • Segnurial System

    Seigneurs: had controll over ther censectaires and ahad the mill and the classy house.
    Censcetaire: Property owners, had to use the mill, payed taxes to the seigneur.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    (a.k.a the Four Intercolonial War) British try to take over new france.
  • Louisboug falls

    The british take over louisbourg an extremely powerful fort from the french.
  • Battle on the plains of Abraham

    Wolf and Montcalm Both fight to the death. They both die and the british win.
  • Seige begins

    The english get attackted by the french naval army and fail at capturing new france.
  • Articles of capitulation

    French ary and malita could return home
    People who stayed became british subjects
    They were still allowed to practice catholism
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty that ends the sevn years war giving up all uof new france o the british except for two island.
  • Royal Proclimation

    GIves the king's colony the name of quebec
    Decreases the borders to around the st-lawrence
    Put in place a civilan government
    Engilish criminal and civil laws applied
    No bishops were allowed
    No roman catholics could hold public office
  • James Murray was changed with Guy Carleton

  • Quebec Act

    Guarantees French Canadain loyalty
    Enlarges the area of Quebec
    Denied an elected assembely
    Appointed council
  • American Revolution begins

    Treaty of versailles
    Fur trade is moved south to the great lakes
    Creation of fur trading company
    Territory south of the great lakes american
    Loyalists came
  • Treaty of Versailles

    British accepted the usa as an independant nation.
  • Constitutional Act

    Sepereated new france into upper and lower canada
    Implemented the representative government
  • Steam Power was invented

    James Watt made steam powered boats to facillitate naval travel.
  • War of 1812

    British upset about losing their colonies
    War with Napolean
    Badly organized attacks on Canada
    Fiight ends in stalemate
  • Irish immigrants came in

    The British attacked their home country so they fled to here
  • 92 resolutions

    Complaints sent by louis joseph papineau
    only 10 were sent back that were all No
  • Act of union

    United upper and lower canada
    governer still has veto