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Timeline to the Limited Monarchy

  • The Reign of James I

    The Reign of James I
    Photo Credit The rule of James I led to the end of the monarchy because he started to impose duties on the English people so he could support the country without summoning Parliament. He believed Parliament was unnecessary to a king. This system of tax would continue and cause his son to lose the throne. James also disrupted religion by being intolerant of the Puritans, an influential group in England, yet conducting policies that were pro-Catholic. His reign led to distrust and discontent of the monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Timeline to the Limited Monarchy

  • King Charles' Years of Personal Rule

    King Charles' Years of Personal Rule
    Photo Credit After 1628 and the Petition of Right order, Charles ruled for over 10 years without Parliament. He made peace with France and Spain and imposed strict taxes in order to fund his throne. Charles was forced o summon Parliament in 1640. However, he refused to address their concerns about the political and religious state of the country, and they restricted funds. Charles dissolved Parliament once again. This was the final step of separation between the monarchy and Parliament.
  • Scotland Rebels

    Scotland Rebels
    Picture Credit Scotland was composed mostly of Presbyterians and and Puritans. King Charles attempted to enforce the English episcopal church and it's Anglican practices throughout Scotland, Scotland rebelled, which forced Charles to summon Parliament for the first time in 1640, and again a few months later when the resistance continued. The Scotish rebellion was a step to the dissolution of the monarchy because it forced Charles to summon Parliament, and proved that he could not run the country without it.
  • The Long Parliament

    The Long Parliament
    Photo Credit This was the political split between Charles and Parliament. During Long Parliament, the members refused to provide Charles with an army, impeached and executed his chief advisor and archbishop, and dismantled his courts. Parliament also created laws that illegalized Charles' taxes and impositions, and required that Parliament meet at least every three years and stay summoned without the king's consent. Long Parliament made it clear that Parliament controlled England, not the monarchy.
  • The English Civil War

    The English Civil War
    Photo Credit After Long Parliament Charles left London and raised his own army to use against the representative body. They responded by passing the Militia Ordinance, which allowed Parliament to raise their own army, the Roundheads, against Charles and the Cavaliers. The English Civil War was crucial to the dissolution of the absolute monarchy. It was the physical separation between Parliament and the king, and proved that the English people were supportive of a large representative body, not a sole monarch
  • Oliver Cromwell Leads Parliament

    Oliver Cromwell Leads Parliament
    Photo Credit Cromwell was the political and military leader of the Roundheads during the English Civil War. He defeated the Cavalier army, which led to the execution of Charles and the creation of England as a Puritan republic. Cromwell was a driving force behind the disappearance of the monarchy in England. However, after Cromwell's rule as Lord Protector from 1629-1660, England turned again to the monarchy, making Cromwell even more of a significant figure to the journey of the absolute monarchy.
  • The Glorius Revoltution

    The Glorius Revoltution
    Photo Credit During Charles II reign (1660-1685) the monarchy shifted towards Catholic sympathies and bribery was used to fill Parliament. James II succeeded him and was planning to return the country to a absolute monarchy. In 1689, Parliament invited William III and Mary II (James' daughter) to invade the country and become the new monarchs. In return, they accepted the Bill of Rights and were to rule under Parliament's consent and supremacy. This truly was the end of the absolute monarchy in England.