timeline of revolutions

  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    British parliament created it which gave the English East Indian company a monopoly on the sale of tea in the colonies.
  • American revolutionary war.

    American revolutionary war.
    American colonies led by General George Washington won decisive victories. Then Britain recognised US as independent nation in the Treaty of Versailles(1783).
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Englisg settlers arrived on the coast of North America and formed the Thirteen Colonies. There were political tensions between them and the British Parliament.
  • States-General

    An assembly of all the 3 states in society.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    When Napoleon conquered many countries, after that he become emperor of France while he governed almost all Europe.
  • First French Constitution

    First French Constitution
    This constitution ended royal absolutism stablishing a monarchy.
  • First French Republic

    First French Republic
    After the French revolution and Nappoleon's exile the french people decided to stablished a republic.
  • Period: to

    Independence of Latin America

    Several factors such as the creoles and peninsular Spaniards, liberalism and nationalism and britain support contributed to the rise of independence movements in Spain`s American colonies.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    Carlos IV`s prime minister, Manuel Godoy signed this treaty with France to allowed French troops to cross Spain on their way to Portugal. In this process French army occupied afew cities in Spain. This led to the Mutiny of Aranjuez
  • Period: to

    Spanish war of Independence.

    In the French revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and imposed us a governor who was his brother, Jose I. After it, part of spanish population wanted the French to go out of the country.
  • Mutiny of Aranjuez

    Mutiny of Aranjuez
    Charles IV abdicated in favour of Ferdinand the VII
  • Uprisings in Madrid

    Uprisings in Madrid
    Spanish population consider that José I was not the legitimate monarch and this led to several uprisings across Spain
  • Independence of Argentina

    Independence of Argentina
    José de San Martín declared independence in Argentina. And some victories from San Martín led to the independence in Chile in 1818
  • Colombian Independence

    Colombian Independence
    Simón Bolivar won Colombian independence and he created the Republic of Gran Colombia made up of modern Colombia, Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    Mexico won its independence under the conservative general Agustín de Iturbide
  • Period: to

    Isabel II and liberal states.

    After Ferdinand VII died, his daughter was the heir of the throne but she was too young so his mother was her regent queen in her name.
  • The moderate decade.

    The moderate decade.
    The state was centralised and liberals were diveded into moderates and progressives(democrats and republicans) and there were very rivalised. O'donnell led a pronunciamiento against the government
  • Period: to

    The unification of Italy

    Kingdom of Piedmont led the unification process under king Vittorio Emanuele II and Cavour, his prime minister. A revolutionary leader called Giuseppe Garibaldi made a significant contribution
  • Progressive biennium

    Progressive biennium
    There was considerable legislative activity, which included Madoz's desamortizacion.
  • Lombardy became part of Piedmont

    Lombardy became part of Piedmont
    Cavour won French support for Italian cause against the Austrians. They defeated the Austrians and the region of Lombardy became part of Piedmiont
  • Vittorio Emanuele II Kign of Italy

    Vittorio Emanuele II Kign of Italy
    The first Italian parliament met in Turin and Vittorio Emanuele II became king of Italy
  • The glorius revolution.

    The glorius revolution.
    Gerenal Prim and Serrano made a pronunciamiento against Isabel II and she had to go out of Spain. General Serrano became provisional governor or Spain and created a constituent parliament.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary sexenium.

    During this years many things hapened in Spain. Isabel was deposed and Spain passed through many different governors.
  • Rome capital of Italy

    Rome capital of Italy
    The Piedmontese occupied Rome and became capital of Italy
  • Amadeo I.

    Amadeo I.
    As Spain didn't have any person on the throne, General Prim brought an italian king to the throne. His name was Amadeo of Savoy but in less than a year the liberals unifyed and revolt against him. In the same year he abdicated and left Spain.
  • The first Spanish republic.

    The first Spanish republic.
    After Amadeo I left, it began the first Spanish republic. It lasted a year and it had 4 different presidents. Spain had many problems as the Cantonal revolution, the third carlist war and the Cuba war against us. It finished with the General Martinez Campos who restores the bourbon dinasty.