Timeline of Brittain

  • Apr 25, 1558

    The Elizabethan period

    • 1558 – 1603: The Elizabethan period (was important for England’s discoveries and trade overseas), and remembered for its rich Renaissance cultural life, especially for the poems and plays of William Shakespeare – in this period English settlers began to colonies the eastern coast of America. OBS: ingen fast dato.
  • England defeated the attempt of the Spainsh...

    1588: England defeated the attempt of the Spanish Armada to conquer England and restore Catholicism in 1588 OBS: Der er ingen fast dato!
  • Elizabeth dies.

    • 1603: Elizabeth dies, and had no children. Therefore became the king of Scotland King James I of England (1603 – 1625), but the two countries did not become united. Because of the English wanted to abolish the power of Catholic Church, Ireland became rebellions, therefore King James, started to colonies Ireland. OBS: Ingen fast dato.
  • King Charles 1.

    • 1626 – 1649: King Charles I. • Charles couldn’t agree with the parliament, because of his religious and foreign policy’s, and therefore he tried to rule without discussing it with the parliament. OBS: ingen fast dato.
  • The civil war broke out in England

    • 1642: The civil war broke out in England. OBS: INGEN FAST DATO!
  • Charles was defeated

    • 1646: Charles was defeated by the parliament’s general, the Puritan Oliver Cromwell. OBS: ingen fast dato
  • Charles was executed

    • 1649: Charles was executed, because he refused to compromise. OBS: ingen fast dato
  • England was a republic

    • 1649-1660: The only time history, England was a republic, under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.
  • Charles II

    • 1660: Charles II was crowned as king, because Cromwell has died.
  • The great fire of London

    • 1666: The great fire of London was one of the major events in the 17th century, a lot of houses and churches burned.
  • Kingdom of Great Britain

    • 1707: The kingdoms of England and Scotland became the kingdom of Great Britain. It had one flag, the union flag, union Jack.
  • American declared independence

    • 1776: the American colonies declared independence from Britain and the American colonies defeated the British army with the help of the French.
    • Later part of the 18th century, the industrial revolution began. • Britain was the first country to industrialize. • A trade expansion happened because of the canals and improved roads and railways, and then at the same time there was an increase in trade overseas and in colonization’s. Britain expanded its power all over the world. • The lat
  • The United Kingdom

    • 1801: The second of union. The kingdom of Great Britain became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Britain ruled

    • 1815: Britain ruled territories in Canada, the Caribbean, parts of India and a few settlements in Australia and South Africa. A hundred years later, the British empire of queen Victoria had expanded to cover all of India, Australia and larger parts of Africa.
  • The reform act was introduced

    • 1832: The reform act was introduced and it increased the number of people entitled to vote.
  • Charles book

    • 1859: Charles Darwin published his book about evolution.
  • The reform act expanded and more.

    • 1867: The reform act expanded the number of voters, but it was still only a third of men who was allowed to vote. • During the Victorian society, the class system began to flourish (trives). The British class system created an hierarchy of people which had the new rich on one side and the old rich on the other side, the skilled and the unskilled, the rural and urban an many more. • The Victorians “invented” the childhood, because they did a lot to stop child labour, and they introduced com
  • The elementary act was introduced

    • 1870: the elementary act was introduced, and it set the frame work, for schooling of all children over the age of 5 and under 13 in England and Wales. (Litterature for young people became a growth industry, Lewis Caroll book)
  • info

    • Towards the ends of the 19th century one quarter of the world population and total land area was held by British Empire. • The heavy work of creating Britain’s industrial infrastructure was done by workers from Ireland, who emigrated to England, to escape poverty during the great famine in the 1840 (eighty fourties).
  • First World War

    • 1914-1918: First World War. The whole of the British Empire was involved in the fighting for example one million Indians fought for the UK.
  • The Great Depression

    • 1920’ties: there was a general rise, but it was also the time of the great depression, with a lot of unemployment, ant during the 30’ties, there was a time of economic depression and crisis. The unemployment reached 70 % in some areas. At the same time, there were threats from Nazi Germany.
  • Right to vote

    • 1928: All men and woman had the right to vote.
  • The Second World War.

    • 1939 – 1945: The Second World War.