
  • Sep 1, 700

    Los Iberians

    The Iberians live in isolated communities. The are known for their metal work and bronze work. Greek colonists made the first historical reference to the Iberians. No one is sure when they arrived to Spain. Los Iberians cerámica es encontrar en Francia, y Italia. También los Iberians hecho señora de baza y la señora de Elx.
  • Sep 9, 711


    The Moors have people from mixed ancestry. Moors are muslims. In 711 the moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula from North Africa. There was a big religion and culture difference. Ellos fueron a el Iberian Peninsula y asalto. Ellos ganan el Visigothic Christian Hispania.
  • Sep 9, 711


    The Reconquista began in 711 to the fall of Granada. It ended before the new word was discovered. Reconquista beginning was marked with the Battle of Covadonga. 722 taxes increased. El Granada guerra fin de Muslim ley. Granada se rinde en 2, enero 1492.
  • Sep 1, 753

    Los Romanos

    The birth of the empire is in Rome. The Punic Wars led Roma to leave the peninsula. Romulus and his brother Remo are the founders of Rome and the Roman Senate. Romulus killed Remo because Remo wanted to pierce the boundaries without permission. El Rey reino Italia. La cultura se extendía más allá Roma y Italia.
  • Sep 9, 1184

    Medievel Inquistions

    The medieval inquisitions founded in 1184 in the region of Languedoc. In 1249 it was Kingdom of Aragon. First state inquisitions united Aragon and Castile under the control of the Spanish Monarchy. Penalty for heresy was excommunication. La Inquisición era presente en la Corona de Castilla. El Santo Inquisición en México pasa cuando el Español paso en Estados Unidos.
  • Spanish Armada

    The Spanish Armada is a fleet of 130 ships in 1588. Under the command of Duke of Medina Sidonia the spanish went and invaded England. In the Battle of Gravelines spanish fleets were badly damaged and forcible abandon. 130 ships sailed over the sea and only a third have failed to come back. Philip II de España reunido impuesto en Inglaterra. Mil de gente espere para la Armada.
  • Spanish Moarchy

    The Spanish Monarchy sent people to the new world to discover the southwest of the U.S, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Spanish empire conquered 20 million square kilometer. The Spanish were the first empire to cover the globe with many countries. Fithteenth centruy many kingdoms view forign poicies differently. Elizabeth asendio la trono. Catolico monarquia para pirateria.
  • Spanish civil war

    The Spanish Civil War was fought in 1936 and 1939 between the Republicans. The rebel coup was supported by many groups. When the war ended in 1939 and the spanish had victory. King Alfonso XIII gave in into the pressure for establishing of the republics. El republicano gobierno traslade Franco a las islas canarias. El rebelde quebrado a agarre los ciudada.
  • Visagoths

    The year 378 the Visigoths defeated the Romans in the Battle of Adrianople. Agriculture techniques are very critical. All men are potential warriors. The Goths headed to northern Italy and they marched to Gaul, looting along the way. Ellos imponen ordenar en España. Luchar contra a el muerte es el principio de “morbus gothorum”.