
The Events of Cinco de Mayo

By sydneyj
  • Independence

    September 16, 1810 is the day Mexico started its journey to Independence
  • Mexican government

    Mexican government
    The Mexican governemnt established their first independent government.
  • Benito Juarez

    Benito Juarez
    Benito Juarez became the president of Mexico during Mexico's financial problems.
  • Mexico debt

    Mexico debt
    President Benito Juarez suspended foreign debt payments with France, Spain, and Britain for two years
  • Cinco de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo
    The Mexican army, led by General Zaragoza, defeat the French army of 6,000. The Mexican army had only 4,000.
  • La Batalla de Puebla

    La Batalla de Puebla
    In the state of Puebla the call Cinco de Mayo, La Batalla de Puebla.
  • Mexican victory

    Mexican victory
    The Mexican victory didnt last long, it was only a year.
  • France's victory

    France's victory
    France sent 30 thousand troops and took over Mexico city. Emperor Maximilian I was put as ruler of Mexico.
  • France's rule ends

    France's rule ends
    France's rule wasnt long, it was only 3 years.