Period: to
Floridablanca prime minister
Charles III dies
Last will says that Charles IV has prime minister Manuel de Godoy to continue reforms -
Period: to
Charles IV
Absolute Monarchy -
Period: to
Creation of Liberal State
Treaty of Barsay
Peace treaty. To stop the war between Framce and Spain -
1st Treaty of Ildefonso
2nd Treaty of Ildefonso
Treaty of Fontainebleau
A treaty signed by Napoleon and Godoy to allow the French troops to enter Spain to conquer Portugal for them not to provide more supplies to the United Kingdom. To convince Godoy, Napoleon told him that if he succeeded in conquering this country Godoy could keep 1/3 of Portugal's territory. -
Mutinity of Aranjuez
Godoy and the royals tried to escape to the American colonies due to the invasion of the French troops but were stopped in Aranjuez. -
Abdications of Bayona
Charles IV realizes his son orchestrated the mutiny to get the power, so he asked to Napoleon, who tells him to go to Bayona in France. Napoleon also tells Ferdinand VII to come to Bayona. Charles IV abdicates on his son, and his son abdicates on his father, this means there is NO KING. The two of them are out of Spain, and Napoleon is the only one who has the documents. -
Estatuto de Bayona
A constitution created by Napoleon to make his brother, Josep I Bonaparte, the new king of Spain. Spain was a puppet state -
Shooting in Burgos and Leon revolt
War between Madrid and France
Battle of Bailén
Battle in Espinosa
Obligated Napoleon to go to Burgos -
Period: to
Joseph I Bonaparte reigns Spain -
Period: to
Period: to
Period: to
a lot of documents, constituions and changes… during this time it has 10 constitution texts. But we will have the same one for a long time afterwards. This time is considered the creation of a Liberal State because they are learning what kind of monachy, etc they want in Spain by changing government frequently, created constitutions, and having political instability for a long time) -
Spanish war of Independence
Battle of Talavera, battle in Ocaño
Napoleon retreats first to Sevilla and then to Cadiz -
Creation of Central Supreme Junta
Battle of Arapiles
Approval of "La Pepa", Juntas in cadiz
Spain 1st constitution, declare national sovereignty, power division, representation in cortes and habeas corpus -
Battle of Borodino
French army occupied almost all Spain. After losing the majority of its territories in Spain, Napoleon went back with 250.000 soldiers and recovered the majority of them. -
Period: to
Peninsular war
England, Portugal and Spain with guerrilla defeat Napoleon -
Treaty of Valançai
It is a peace treaty signed in December 1813 between France and Spain, where Napoleon recognized Ferdinand VII as the new king of Spain. -
Restoration of Ferdinand VII
To power as an absolute monarch (1814-1833) -
Napoleon eliminares Cortes de Cadiz, Constitution and all constitutional laws
he becomes and absolute emperor -
royal decree and coup d’etat general elio
Period: to
The 6 years of Absolutism
sereno absolutista -
argentina independence
Period: to
The liberal Triennium
Importance of General Rafael de Riego, La Pepa is implemented. First wave of revolution in Europe, first successful was in Spain, 3 years of liberalism, "liberal triennium". General Rafael de Riego started a revolution against Ferdinand VII to restore the constitution, all the laws by Cortes de Cadiz. During these 3 years, Ferdinand was a constitutional monarch. -
Period: to
Colonel Rafael de Riego
Military uprising by colonel de Riego to restore the constitution of 1812 and restore the laws of the Cortes de Cadiz. -
Army sent to Spain
International army sent to Spain took off the constitutional monarchy -
Holly Alliance
Holly Alliance and France detain the revolution in Spain and organize and army with 100.000 mens of St. Louis to support the Constitution and restore Ferdinand VII. -
Period: to
The Ominous decade
Ferdinand VII was an absolute king. A repression of liberals period, and absolute king to avoid other revolution. Goya was exiled because he was liberal, and he was not going to agree with absolutism -
Colonies were lost
Lots of Spain's colonies in America are lost: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines -
Ferdinand VII is married for the 3rd time, with Mª Christine
Abolition of the Salic law
Law which said that only men could be the next king, Ferdinand VII didn't have sons, he had a daughter. He eliminated the law so that his daughter could become the next queen, Isabel II.
Ferdinand's brother, Charles, didn't accept the abolition of that law, but the king made a pact with the liberal to find the support so that Isabella II could become queen. -
Isabella II was born
first and only daughter of Ferdinand was born -
Ferdinand VII died
Period: to
Rule of Isabel II
all a constitutional monarchy -
Period: to
Carlists wars
Succession war between who supporte Charles (carlistas) and Isabella II was supported by the liberals. The bourgeoisie and the people of the city were called Isabelinos, they had the support of General Espartero. The army supported both sides, but Espartero was a very progressive liberal and supported Isabella II -
Period: to
Regency years
Ruled for Isabel II -
Period: to
Mª Christine regency
Mother of Isabel II -
Estatuto real
First document written to create a new form of constitutional monarchy to support Isabel II. A try conservatism constitution -
Convención de Vergara
Espartero defeats Carlists in charlista wars, Mª Christine tries to become more conservatist, but liberals don't like it so they force to resign as a queen and choose General Espartero -
Period: to
General Espartero
rules for Isabel II -
Period: to
Effective rule of Isabel II
She was considered an adult at 13. Constitutional monarchy, she swears she will follow the constitution of 1837, made by liberals after 1834 one became conservative. The govern had always liberals, which split into moderate and progressistas. -
Period: to
Moderate liberal party
Creation of a new Constitution
Moderate Constitution, queen has more power, reduced number of liberals -
Period: to
2nd carlist war
Liberals are always in the government, always a constitutional monarchy -
Progresistas took the power
Progresistas liberals took the power, led by General O'Donnell -
Period: to
Revolt of progresistas
During two years we had progresists in the government, more radical policies, a new Constitution 1854 but was mever approved and never implemented -
Liberal Union
Isabel II hamded over power to O'Donnell, the Liberal Union is his party. -
Constitution drafted
New Constitution more progresista , more radical and never been aproved -
Period: to
General Narvaez President
Liberal and moderate, he is a liberal progresista -
Elections and new political party
Union liberal won the elections, with General O'Donnell was progresistabut more liberak and radical. He never wrote a new constitution, he used the Former Constitution. -
Period: to
Economy gets worse
Less liberties... -
General Narvaez dies
The queen appoints another one but the liberals don't like ir so she lost the support of the people. -
Power is between 2 forces
Progresistas and Union Liberal
2) the moderates and conservatives
Tehre was also a number of ilegal parties "Democrats" and "Republicans" (they don't want monarchy, no king and carlists)
1868 Pacto de Ostense, (organize and institution the UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE)made by: progresistas + union liberal + democratas (ilegal) + republicans (ilegal), they want to eliminate the Borbon monarchy and add universal suffrage. -
Glorious Revolution
military revolt;all these poltitical forces, (in the cities) The revolutionaries make a "new constitution" to create a new system with constitutional monarchy (moderate) (freedom of speech, right to create associations, universal suffrage, separation of powers), all the MEN are going to be able to vote. -
End of Isabel ii's reign
start a revolution, with no blood. End of the reign of isabel ii, because she sees that she lost the support of the poeple so she escapes to italy and abdicates. They need a new king. In Italy they have constitutional monarchy, so they ask Amadeo de Saboya ( italian), to become the new king os Spain. -
Period: to
Six years of democracy
new constitution established a parliamentary monarchy, (+individual rights, universal male suffrage and the separation of State and Church) -
Period: to
Amadeo de Saboya I of Italy constitutional monarchy
Period: to
III Carlists Wars
Clear of republic
they clear the republic, they create a new constitution (very liberal), not ever been aproved, and they restore the burbon monarchy -
Period: to
Republic of Spain
Republic of Spain is declared,but they need a constitution for republic, not monarchy. -
10th constitution
10th constitution aproved by Alfonso XII and is going to stay until the second republic of spain in 1931 with Civil War. -
Restore bourbons
military uprising to restore bourbons led by General Martinez Campos, so Alfonso XII reigns (Isabel ii’s son). The republic has lasted only 1 year. -
Period: to
Reign of Alfonso XII
Reign of Alfonso XII (hijo de Isabel II) its a coservative constitutional Monarchy that faces Major problems. This is the longest period of stability. -
Amadeo resigns due to chaos
he abdicates because he doesnt want to be the king of this chaos. (Chaos= carlist wars, independence wars, republican fights…) -
New moderate Constitution
Pacto de Zanjón
Pacto de Zanjón (a peace treaty after the Cuba Ten years war. -
alfonso xii dies
Period: to
Maria Christina is regent queen of Alfonso XIII
nationalist movement cuba
USA declares war on spain
cuba independence, spain looses colonies -
alfonso xiii crowned