Social studies timeline

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Mangna Carta

    Mangna Carta
    Basically feudal lords forced King John to sighn it, which limited the power of the king and gave most of the power to the lords as well as some commons. It also stated that nobody could be wrongfully acused and punished without breaking the law. it importantly also states that they have the right to be judged by a jury of there fellow peers.
  • James I marries Anne of Denmark

    James I marries Anne of Denmark
    James arrievs in Denmark to find his queen, but during the time he stayed there he got himself exposed to which hunting and then later got into which hunting himself
  • James I becomes king of England

    James I becomes king of England
    He happened to be the nearest relative to Queen Elizabeth I, and so under English law he became the King of England.
  • Gun Powder Plot Fails

    Gun Powder Plot Fails
    36 barrels of gunpowder was found in the House of Lords,about to blow up James I. The people who wanted this to happen were later arrested and executed
  • James I dosent contatct parliament for several years

    James I dosent contatct parliament for several years
    It boiled down to James I conflicts with parliament which lead parliament too give him no money if he disregarded him. He basically thinks he dosent have to listen to them.
  • Charles I becomes king

    Charles is son of james I, who believes in divine rights of kings.
  • Charles I marries Henrietta Maria

    Henrietta was French and Catholic, the marjority of parliamnet was Protestant and they were not to impressed to say the least
  • Long parliament is called

    It was called to fund the army against the scots. It sat for the entire english civil war
  • Grand Remonstrance is passed by parliament

    Basically it showed all the crimes charles I has commited, it also explained that monarchs should be punished for there crimes
  • first english civil war starts

    Its roundheads vs cavaliers. the round heads supported parliament where the cavaliers supported the monarchy
  • Scotland joins Parliament's Side in English Civil War

    The scots dont like Charles because he was also the monarch of scotland
  • Pride's Purge( rump parliament starts)

    The people who diidnt want charles to be executed were thrown out which turned the long parliament into the rump parliament
  • Charles I is executed

    Charles was guilty for treason which lead to him being beheaded, because of this oliver cromwell becomes leader of England
  • England becomes a republic

    England is turned into the commenwealth of england
  • Oliver Cromwell dies

    Cromwell dies from disease which makes him no longer leading England
  • Charles returns to throne

    Charles II is crowned after being exhiled. he gets rid of the horrible blue laws that were put in place
  • Seven Years War begins

    England vs France and Spain
  • Royal Proclamation

    King george bans land speculation to the west of the appalassion mountain
  • Stamp Act

    Britain basically taxes in colonies because of the debt in the seven years war
  • The Boston Massacre

    A "massacre" that resulted in 5 bostonians being shot by british soilders which was an outrage to many people
  • Boston Tea Party

    England taxed America. Americans thought it was unfair. Americans dressed up like Indians and dumped all of the tea from England into the harbor.
  • Boston Port Act

    An intolerbale act that closed boston harbour after the boston tea party until the damages were paid back
  • Start of American revolution

  • Battle of lexington and concord

    First major battle of American revolution
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British took the hill but suffered major losses
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington vs Hessians which was won by George Washington
  • France joins the American Revolution

    France fights with the Americans against the British
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Last major battle of American revolution where cornwallis surrenders
  • US Constitution comes into effect

  • Tennis court oath

    National assembly is formes they take an oath which makes them not rest till the french have a new constitution
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Mob of third estate people seize guns and ammunation from the bastille and destroy it
  • Womens march on Versailles

    Mob of women tried to kill the queen
  • France declares war on Austria

    France ends up fighting wars with many countries such as Austria. They declared war on Austria becase they wanted to steal there grain
  • Louis XVI executed

  • Marat is assignated

    He was killed by Charlotte Corday
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Over 25000 people were killed during the reign of terror
  • Danton is executed

    He did not approve of killing during the reign of terror which lead to him being executed for being anti revolutionary
  • Execution of Robespierre

  • Napoleon's Coronation

    Napoleon stages his coup d'etat and becomes France's emperor
  • Napoleon's first exile

    He gets exiled to elba and Louis XVIII returns back to france
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon vs seventh coalition. He lost the battle and was exhiled again
  • The second exhile

    He gets exhiled to saint helena