

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle of one of the first revolutions. So started the British colony of America's attempt at freedom from its mother country. It revolted because of unfair taxation and land laws.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence is Ratified

    Declaration of Independence is Ratified
    The American Revolution resulted in the writing and signing of a new declartation. It declared the U.S.'s independence from Britain and stated its rights.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The last battle of the American Revolution. British General Cornwallis surrneders at Yorktown. The United States had gained its independence.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The official beginning of the most famous or infamous revolution, the French Revolution. Some of the Third Estate attacked one of the government's most infamous jails as a symbol of defiance.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Haitian Revolution Begins

    Haitian Revolution Begins
    Slave revolt in Saint Domingue against the wealthy French plantation owners. Lead by Touissaint L'Ouverture. Beginning of first slave revolt on a plantation island.
  • Irish Rebellion Begins

    Irish Rebellion Begins
    Beginning of rebellion of the Irish people against British control. Influenced by American and French Revolutions.
  • End of Irish Rebellion

    End of Irish Rebellion
    British crushes the rebellion and its ally, the French. The Act of the Union is passed.
  • Haiti Gains Independence

    Haiti Gains Independence
    Saint Domingue is declared a free republic and is named Haiti.
  • Venezuelan Declaration of Independence is Signed

    Venezuelan Declaration of Independence is Signed
    Declaration produced by Venezuela after separation from the Spanish Crown.
  • Simon Bolivar founds the Republic of Gran Colombia

    Simon Bolivar founds the Republic of Gran Colombia
    Victory over the Spanish rule lead to the creation of Gran Colombia by Simon Bolivar. One of the first Latin American areas to gain independence.
  • The start of the Greek War for Independence

    The start of the Greek War for Independence
    Greece's attempt to gain freedom from the Ottoman empire. Greece and its allies (Britain and France) were victorious over the Ottomans and its Egyptian allies.
  • End of France's Second Revolution

    End of France's Second Revolution
    The abdication of Charles X and the ascension of Louis-Philippe. It was the switch fof power from the Bourbon constitutional monarchy to the July monarchy. Lasted until the third French Revolution. The Legitimists lost to the Orléanists.
  • Publication of Serbian Consitutuion

    Publication of Serbian Consitutuion
    Rebellion of the people of Serbia against the cruel and autocratic rule of Prince Milos. They were successful and a new constitution was written, still giving the majority of power to the Ottomans while it reduced the power of the Prince.
  • Belgium is Independent

    Belgium is Independent
    Belgium rebels against the Netherlands with the help of the French. They are successful and are recognized by Europe's most powerful as separate from the Netherlands.
  • Sicilian Revolution of Independence

    Sicilian Revolution of Independence
    Sicily's people rebel against the Bourbon rule. They were successful and remained independent for 16 months.
  • Hecker Uprising

    Hecker Uprising
    The unsuccessful revolt of the people who wanted to overthrow the monarchy and install a republic. It was crushed by the German Confederation led by Friedrich von Gagern.
  • Surrender of the Hungarian Revolutionary Army

    Surrender of the Hungarian Revolutionary Army
    Hungary revolted against the Russians and Austrians. Like many of the Revolutions of 1848, it was annihilated by the greater powers, Russia and Austira in this case.
  • End of France's Third Revolution

    End of France's Third Revolution
    THe abdication of Louis-Philippe and the establishment of the Second Republic of France. Louis Napoleon was elected as president by the peasants.
  • Jintian Uprising

    Jintian Uprising
    The Taiping rebels revolted against the QIng Dynasty. Hong Xiuquan led rebel forces to victory. The beginning of the Taiping Rebellion which ultimately failed, but weakened the Qing Dynasty greatly.
  • Indian Revolution of 1857

    Indian Revolution of 1857
    Mutiny of native Sepoys against the Dutch East India Company. The British government ultimately gained control, but Company rule in India ended. It also resulted in the collapse of the Mughal and Maratha Empires.