Population and Settlement

  • 30,000 BCE

    The First Occupants cross the Land Bridge

    The First Occupants cross the Land Bridge
    In 30 000 BC the first occupants of North and South America crossed the land bridge made of ice on the Bering strait during the last ice age
  • 6000 BCE

    First Occupants established in Quebec and Ontario

    First Occupants established in Quebec and Ontario
    in 6000 BC The First Occupant established themselves in Ontario and Quebec after their arrival
  • First Trading post in Tadousac

    First Trading post in Tadousac
    Pierre Chauvin made the first trading post in 1600 made to centralize the trade between the Natives and the French.
  • First colony established

     First colony established
    in 1604 and 1605 De Monts established a colony in Port Royal that unfortunately never grew
  • Founding of Quebec

    Founding of Quebec
    In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec to facilitate fur trade with the Amerindians
  • The One-Hundred Associates come to the New World

    The One-Hundred Associates come to the New World
    The One-Hundred associates, founded by Richelieu in 1627, are sent to colonize the New World in exchange for a total monopoly on the fur trade.
  • Founding of Trois Riviers

    Founding of Trois Riviers
    In 1634 Laviolette founded the permanent colony at Trois Rivieres for commercial purposes involving the fur trade
  • First outbreak

    First outbreak
    In 1634 the trade between the French and the Amerindians would make the Amerindians sick and cause epidemics killing Amerindians
  • Founding of Ville Marie

    Founding of Ville Marie
    In 1642 Chomedey de Maisonneuve founded a permanent settlement called Ville Marie to help establish the first hospital and public school. They also used it to convert Amerindians to the Catholic religion
  • Period: to

    The Threat of the Iroquois

    Louis XIV sends over troops from the Carignan-Salières regiment to protect the inhabitants of the colony from the Iroquois who were constantly attacking the trading posts and eliminating tribes such as the Hurons Neutres and Petuns, hurting fur trades and alliances with the Amerindians
  • Settlement policies under the Royal Government

    Settlement policies under the Royal Government
    In 1663 King Louis XIV took back control of colonial developmen and had his intendant Jean Talon take control of the settlement of New France
  • Period: to

    Immigration and birth policies of Jean Talon

    Jean Talon started making more Immigration and birth policies to encourage and increased population in New France. The immigration came in 4 waves, The engagés, The filles du Roi, Volunteers and Soldiers. After taxation's were put on Fathers with single 21 year old sons or 17 year old daughters in the colony and had gift given to those who married early or to Amerindian woman
  • Period: to

    The French Régime

    The French started to Colonize Quebec and Start trade with Amerindians
  • Period: to

    The British Military rule

    During the 7 years war The Thirteen colonies beat the french and waited semi peacefully for 3 years for the war to end
  • Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    Signing of the Treaty of Paris
    In 1763 the Seven Years war was finally over with England winning and taking New France as a new British colony
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    In 1763 the first constitution for the province of Quebec was put in place, replacing all french law with English law, changing land division into townships
  • The Quebec Act of 1774

    The Quebec Act of 1774
    In 1774 to win over the Loyalty of the Canadians this Proclamation was made, giving back the seigneuries, French civil laws and An Oath of Allegiance to the King to replace the test act
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    In 1783 The Thirteen British colonies gained independence and became the United States of America after the American British war
  • The Constitutional Act of 1791

    The Constitutional Act of 1791
    With the arrival of the loyalists The Constitutional Act was made in 1791, dividing the province of Quebec into 2 areas, Lower and Upper Canada. Each having different laws and cultures
  • Rebellions of Lower Canada

    Rebellions of Lower Canada
    in 1837 and 1838 the people of lower and upper Canada had 2 armed uprisings because of economic and agricultural crises caused by the refusal of the political reforms
  • Period: to

    The Contemporary period to Today

    In 1867 the Contemporary period starts and industrialization, new waves of immigration and National policies started with it, creating big change in the time and ways of life
  • Economy Crisis and he National Policy

    Economy Crisis and he National Policy
    In 1873 there was an economy crisis that disrupted population growth in the dominion so John A Macdonald introduced his National Policy t help fix it with new Rail roads, contained trading and more immigration