
History Timeline - Modules 1 to 4

  • Jan 1, 1500


    Agriculture, Semi-permanent houses (depending on the land fertility), Matriarchy
  • Jan 1, 1500


    No agriculture, only hunting, fishing, and gathering. Nomadic society. Patriarchy
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Jan 1, 1534

    Cartier's 1st Voyage

    Cartier's 1st Voyage
    Explored and mapped the Gulf of Saint-Lawrence.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Cartier's 2nd Voyage

    Cartier's 2nd Voyage
    Sailed up the Saint-Lawrence and reached Stadacona (Quebec City)
  • Jan 1, 1541

    Cartier's 3rd Voyage

    Cartier's 3rd Voyage
    Attempted to set up a colony, non successful. Missionairies tried to convert the Natives.
  • First Settlement Attempt

    First Settlement Attempt
    The king sent a voyage (including Samuel de Champlain) in 1605 to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia called Port Royal. The settlement failed due to position.
  • Second Settlement Attempt

    Second Settlement Attempt
    Champlain returns to establish a trading post near Stadacona (Quebec City)
  • Foundation of Trois-Rivières

    Foundation of Trois-Rivières
    Laviolette founded Trois-Rivières in 1634
  • Establishment of Montreal

    Establishment of Montreal
    Maisonneuve establishes Ville-Marie (Montreal) and becomes the first governor.
  • King Louis the 14th

    King Louis the 14th takes control of France and he ends mercantilism in his colonies.
  • Royal Government

    Governor: Boss of the colony
    Bishop: Head of religion
    Intendant: Administrates the people
    Sovereign Council: The 3 leaders got together to make decisions.
    First governent
  • The Treaty of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht
    Marks the end of the second intercolonial war.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    During this time, there are wars in both North America and Europe. The British have been trying for years to take New France and end up taking control of it in 1760 after the capitulation of Montreal.
  • Conquest of New France and Artciles of Capitulation

    Conquest of New France and Artciles of Capitulation
    The battle on the plains of Abraham ends in the English taking over Quebec in 1759 and the next year (1760) the French capitulate Montreal, so the English completely take over New France. The articles of capitulation stated that the French militia would receive no punishment and was allowed to return home; the French military had to drop their arms and return to France; and the people could still practice the Roman Catholic religion but the Bishop had to leave.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of Paris marks the end of the Seven Years War. All the territory possesed by the French was given to the King of England except for the islands St. Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation was the constitution put in place by the King to assimilate the French. It changed the name of New France to the Province of Quebec and made the colony smaller. The King appointed a Governor who appointed an Executive council to help him run the colony. English criminal and civil laws we applied.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Enlarges area of Quebec, denies an elected assembly, appoints a council with atleast 17 French members, French civil laws are reinstated, the tithe and seignorial system are back.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The Americans wanted the French-Canadians to help them but they said no because of the Quebec Act which benifited them. This made them angry so they attacked the Province of Quebec multiple times. They defeat the British in Yorktown in 1781.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is the peace treaty signed after the American Revolution where Great Britain recognized the United States of America as an independant country.
  • Loyalist Immigration

    Loyalist Immigration
    Along with the Treaty of Versailles, the Loyalists (people from the 13 colonies that were still loyal to the King) immigrated to the Province of Quebec and the Maritimes because they were no longer welcome in the United States of America.
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    The new government system in Upper and Lower Canada.
    -Governor: Appointed by British Parliament, commanded forces, in charge of administration, called assemblies into session, and had veto power.
    -Lieutenant Governor: Deputy governor.
    -Executive Council: Appointed by Governor, and advised him.
    -Legislative Council: Appointed by Governor, accepted and refused proposed laws.
    -Legislative Assembly: Elected by population and proposed laws. Also voted taxes.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    Seperated the Province of Quebec into 2 parts: Upper Canada (mostly English) and Lower Canada (mostly French). Lower Canada had french laws and land division, Upper Canada had english laws and land division.
  • Steam Power Invented

    Steam Power Invented
    James Watt invented steam power in 1802 which led to the development of boats and early trains which helped transport goods. The first trains were built in Britain in 1814 and brought to Canada in 1819.
  • Timber Trade

    Timber Trade
    In 1807, the timber trade replaced the fur trade as the main export because Great Britain needed wood to make their boats.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    British were upset about losing their colonies to the south.
    British navy blocked off the trades between the Americans and the French; they took the American boats and men that they caught.
    Since they were mad, the Americans attempted badly organized attacks on the Canadian settlements but they failed.
    French Canadian militia and British military retaliated and attacked American towns. Results of the war: Ended in a stalemate, Canadian economy boosted, Canadians feared American expansion
  • Irish Immigration

    Irish Immigration
    Around 1815, a lot of Irish people were coming to Canada due to the Irish Potato Famine happening in Ireland. This caused the population of both Canada's to skyrocket between 1791 and 1861.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The leader of the Patriotes, Louis-Joseph Papineau, sent these 92 resolutions to the King of Great Britain demanding a responsible goverment among other things. As a response, Lord John Russell sent the 10 resolutions, which had nothing to do with the 92 resolutions and basically rejecting everything that the Patriotes proposed. This angered the Patriotes and led to the beginning of the rebellions.
  • First Railway

    First Railway
    The first railway was built in 1836 to help facilitate the transportation of goods
  • Lord Durham's Recommendations

    Lord Durham's Recommendations
    After the rebellions of the Patriotes, Lord Durham was sent by the King to the Canadas to analyse the situation. He concluded that the Canadas should be united, that responsible government should be put in place, and that immigration should be increased to assimilate the French
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Following Lord Durham's Recommendations, that Act of Union was put in place. This constitution combined Canada East and Canada West, to make the Province of Canada, and it gave both Canadas 42 seats each at the assembly. The governor still had veto power and control.
  • Responsible Government

    Responsible Government
    The responsible goverment basically allowed people to vote for the legislative assembly.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Removed customs/duties between Canada and the US to allow for more trading between them. Lasted 10 years. This happened because Britain removed its preferential treatment with Canada and established free trade.