Official Power and Countervailing Powers

  • Founding of Quebec

    Founding of Quebec
    Quebec was founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain. It was founded as a trading post. When New France was first established, it was governed by the trading company, the 100 associates. The 100 Associates had monopoly over the fur-trading company in New France but were in agreement with the King of France that in order to maintain monopoly over the fur trade they must help settle the colony. In the end they did not live up to their promises which lead to a change in government in 1663.
  • Company of One Hundred Associates

    Company of One Hundred Associates
    The Company of One Hundred Associates was founded in 1627. They were given monopoly over the fur trade by the King of France. With the gift of having monopoly, they had to fulfill some requirements such as populating the new settlement. They also were in charge of governing the colony.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    The Royal Government was established in 1663 by King Louis XIV. The Company of One Hundred Associates did not fulfill their promises to the King of France, therefore, the King took over. It was an absolute monarchy meaning the King had the final say; it was not a democracy. He appointed a governor as his representative in the colony. In New France, there was also a Sovereign Council composed of the intendant, bishop & governor as well as a Captain of militia responsible for the army.
  • First Bishop of Quebec

    First Bishop of Quebec
    Monseigneur Francois de Laval was the first Bishop of Quebec. He was in charge of taking care of all religious matters regarding the spiritual well being of the citizens of New France. He was also part of the Sovereign Council who acted as the court of law in New France and had legislative powers.
  • The Great Peace of Montreal

    The Great Peace of Montreal
    The Great Peace of Montreal was a peace treaty signed by the Governor of New France, Louis-Hector de Callière and 13 000 representatives of the 40 first nations. It was signed on August 4th, 1701 and ensured peace between the French and the Aboriginals. The French were peaceful with the Hurons and the Algonquins through trade but were always in conflict with the Iroquois. At the signing of the peace treaty, representatives from the Iroquois tribes were present and signed the treaty.
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    War of the Conquest

    From 1754 to 1760, the War of the Conquest, also known as the Seven Years War. The part of the war that affected New France was what is called the Seven Years War. The last few years of the War of Conquest in which Great Britain and France were fighting over the control of North America and for overall world dominance. In the end, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, New France, later known as the Province of Quebec became a British colony.
  • Period: to

    British Military Rule

    Between 1760 and 1763, the Seven Years War was still being fought but Great Britain had gained control of New France due to their victory of the battle of the Plains of Abraham. For these 3 years they were nice to the French as the military was in control because they did not know if, when the war ended, they would still have control of New France. In the end, Great Britain gained control of New France with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    With the conquering of New France by Great Britain, the British Government issued the Royal Proclamation. The goal of the proclamation was to assimilate the French into the British way of life. The territory of New France became limited to the St-Lawrence Valley, British criminal, and civil law was applied, as well as the application of the Test Act which swore off the practice of Catholicism. The new government was now also composed of a governor and an executive council chosen by the governor.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was put in place as a gift to the French-speaking population. It implemented French civil law instead of British civil law, the territory of Quebec was expanded to include the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes. The Test Act was removed and the Oath of Allegiance was applied, you no longer had to swear off Cathlocism.The government remained the same except for the fact that Catholics could now be part of administration because they didn't have to take the Test Act anymore.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    This act was applied as a compromise between the French and English speaking populations' wants. It divided Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada. The English populated Upper Canada and the French majorly populated Lower Canada. Each Upper and Lower had their own Legislative Assembly. Upper Canada had British civil and criminal law; Lower Canada had French civil law and British criminal law. The governor and legislative and executive council oversaw the entire colony.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    In 1834, 92 resolutions were proposed by the Parti Patriotes. They wanted Canada to have more independence from Great Britain as well as a democratic government system. Some of their demands include the election of the Legislative Council members, the abolition of the governor's power of veto and the abolishment of patronage. Lord John Russell turned down the majority of their demands angering the members of the Parti Patriote.
  • Period: to

    Rebellions in Lower Canada

    With the refusal of a majority of their 92 resolutions, the Patriotes were angry. They began spreading their ideas through public assemblies, speeches by Papineau the leader of the Patriotes, and boycotting British products. After losing many battles against the British such as the battle at Saint-Denis, the Patriote leaders fled to the USA and over 850 Patriotes were arrested. The Patriotes didn't succeed because they didnt have the support of the clergy and were unorgnaised.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The fourth constitution, the Act of Union united Upper and Lower Canada and it was now known as United Canada. It changed Canada's political structure; a legislative union controlled the whole colony. A United Assembly was formed which consisted of 42 elected deputies from both Canada West and Canada East. English was the official language and Lower Canada assumed part of Upper Canada's debt. The laws remained unchanged.
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    Canada became a federation in 1867 with the signing of the BNA Act. At first, Canada was composed of 4 provinces: Québec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The powers of government were separated into Federal and Provincial. The Canadian (Federal) Government was headed by a Prime Minister; the Quebec (Provincial) Government was headed by a Premier. Each government had their own authority and responsibility. Federal-currency, the army, etc.
  • Conscription Crisis of World War One

    Conscription Crisis of World War One
    When World War One began and soldiers were needed, thousands of British-born Canadians enlisted in the army. The French Canadiens were not as eager. When numbers were running low and Great Britain needed more troops, the Canadian Government had to impose conscription which forced men to join the army. This angered the French because they thought "not our war, not our problem"; this was the reason they did not enlist, they didn't want to fight for Britain because it wasn't their Mother Country.
  • Women's Right to Vote Federally

    Women's Right to Vote Federally
    Before 1918, women did not have the right to vote federally or provincially; they wanted the right to vote and protested for this right for years. In 1918, after many years of fighting for suffrage, women gained the right to vote federally.
  • Maurice Duplessis

    Maurice Duplessis
    Maurice Duplessis was elected as Premier of Quebec in 1936. Duplessis was a liberalist and a nationalist who supported Cathlocism, agriculture and the independence of Quebec from Canada. During his years as premier, Quebec's economy didn't flourish because he was selling Quebec natural resources to the USA at a bargain price. He was also anti-union and established the Padlock Law to counter union activities.
  • Padlock Act

    Padlock Act
    The Padlock Act was initiated by Maurice Duplessis, Premier of Quebec from 1936-1939 and 1944-1959. This act made any communist propaganda or activities illegal with the consequence of one-year imprisonment if you were caught. The act also allowed the Duplessis government to oppose union activites. In 1957 the act was removed as it was seen as an invasion of criminal law.
  • Women's Right to Vote Provincially

    Women's Right to Vote Provincially
    Twenty-two years after they gained the right to vote federally, women gained the right to vote provincially in 1940. Women fought hard for this right with years of protests and suffrage campaigns. This was a big deal beacsue women were seen as inferior to the men but with the right to vote federally and prvincially they now had equality within the voting system.
  • Conscription Crisis of World War Two

    Conscription Crisis of World War Two
    When Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King was elected he promised that he would not impose conscription. This changed when Great Britain needed more men from Canada due to great unexpected loss of life. A vote was taking regarding conscription. The majority of the English-speaking population voted yet because they were imperialists and identified with Great Britain. Majority of the French Canadiens said no. Conscription was imposed in 1942 and a new political party was formed as a result.
  • Nationalization of Electricity

    Nationalization of Electricity
    Jean Lesage the Premier of Quebec, along with his minister of natural resources pushed for the nationalization of electricity. In 1962, the Government of Quebec took over eleven private electricity companies and merged them together. They created Hydro-Quebec who still to this day distributes electricity to most of Quebec. This benefited Quebec's economy and is the most impressive financial operation in the history of Quebec.
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    The Front de Libération du Québec was founded in 1963. They were a separatist group that performed violent acts such as bombs and kidnappings. They were the first terrorist group in Canada. Pierre Trudeau enacted the War Measures Act and arrested over 300 people related or in the FLQ. In October 1970, the FLQ kidnapped English diplomat James Cross and the Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte who was later killed. Unlike the Parti Québecois, they used violence to make a change.
  • Referendum on Sovereignty-Association

    Referendum on Sovereignty-Association
    In 1976, the Parti Quebecois (PQ) was elected into office. They were a nationalist group who supported the independence of Quebec and its separation from Canada. In 1980, they imposed a referendum asking the population if they were for or against the separation of Quebec. The NO side won with 59.56% of the votes compared to the YES side who had 40.46% of the votes. This referendum divided Quebec.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord was a series of amendments proposed to the Constitution of Canada in 1987. It was negotiated by Brian Mulroney, the Prime Minister of Canada and 10 provincial premiers. In the end, only Newfoundland and Manitoba rejected the Accord. As a result of this refusal, Lucien Bouchard, the federal minister of the environment resigned from his post. He then formed a parliamentary group in support of Quebec's soverignty called, the Québecois.
  • Referendum on Sovereignty

    Referendum on Sovereignty
    In 1995, the Parti Quebecois imposed a second referendum depicting whether you were for or against the separation of Quebec. This time the vote was much closer. The NO side still won with 50.6% of the vote compared to the YES side who had 49.4% of the votes. This clearly divided the sovereignists and the federalists. In 2006, Stephen Harper recognized Quebec as its own nation within United Canada much to the pleasure of the sovereignists.
  • Paix des Braves Agreement

    Paix des Braves Agreement
    The Paix des Braves Agreement was signed on February 7th, 2002 between the Cree Nation and the Government of Quebec. Within the agreement, the Cree Nation receives a share of the revenue that comes from mining, hydro and forestry that occurs on their lands. For the next 50 years, the Cree Nation is responsible for the community and economic development of their people and land. They will receive payments from the Government of Quebec to allow them to carry out their responsibilities.