
october crisis

  • canada recieves new flag (an attempt to unify canada)

    canada recieves new flag (an attempt to unify canada)
    Lester B. Pearson received the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts in facilitating Britain and France’s departure from Egypt during the Suez Crisis.
  • quiet revolution begins

    quiet revolution begins
    the quiet revoltion was a time of rapid change experianced in quebec during the 1960's. jean lesage sterted the quite revolution on june 22 19560
  • Pierre Trudeau becomes prime minister

    Pierre Trudeau becomes prime minister
    Pierre Trudeau was Prime Minister from april 20 1968 to june 4 1979
  • The FLQ kidnapped james cross

    The FLQ kidnapped james cross
    James Cross was abducted at gunpoint from his British diplomatic residence at 1297 Redpath Crescent
  • pierre laporte is kidnapped

    pierre laporte is kidnapped
    On 10 October 1970, Laporte was kidnapped from his home on Robitaille Street.
  • broadcast of the FLQ chenier cell

    broadcast of the FLQ chenier cell
    Broadcast of the FLQ Manifesto in all French- and English speaking media outlets in Quebec.
  • The canadian army is sent to patrol ottawa

    The canadian army is sent to patrol ottawa
    Lawyer Robert Lemieux is appointed by the FLQ to negotiate the release of James Cross and Pierre Laporte.
  • when asked how far he would go trudeau says, " Just Watch Me "

    when asked how far he would go trudeau says, " Just Watch Me "
    Trudeau was asked by a reporter Tim Ralfe how far he wold go ? Trudea says " Just Watch Me "
  • pierre laporte was executed

    pierre laporte was executed
    hw was not executed he was found dead
  • the government of Quebec asks for the help of the Canadian army

    the government of Quebec asks for the help of the Canadian army
    on october 15 1970 Quebec has asked for the help from the Canadian army.
  • The war measures act was enforced

    The war measures act was enforced
    The primere of Bourassa requests the Canadian government grant Quebec government emergency powers
  • Police raid the FLQ's chenier cell

    Police raid the FLQ's chenier cell
    Bernard Lortie was arrested for the murder of pierre Laporte while 3 others had escaped.
  • james cross is released

    james cross is released
    James Cross was released and brought to the middle of a corridor and cuffed to a doorknob to be found.
  • Prime minister Pierre Trudeau announces that all troops in Quebec will be removed

    Prime minister Pierre Trudeau announces that all troops in Quebec will be removed
    Pierre Trudeau announces that Quebec arm to be rempved by January 5 1971.
  • canadian charter canadian charter of rights and freedoms is enshrined in the constitution

    canadian charter canadian charter of rights and freedoms is enshrined in the constitution
    canadian charter of rights and freedoms