Never Before in History Timeline

  • Sep 26, 1517

    Prostestant Reformation

    A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.
  • Sep 26, 1534

    Church of England Established

    Henry VIII created the Church of England after having a dispute with the Pope
  • Sep 26, 1536

    Institutes of Christian Religion

    John Calvin published "The Institutes of the Christian Religion" which was important for the Protestant reformation. It was written to aid those who desire to be instructed in the doctrine of salvation
  • Sep 26, 1547

    Edward a friend to Reformation thinking

    Henry VII dies leaving Edward VI to the throne. Edward was a friend to Reformation-minded Christians
  • Sep 26, 1547

    Mary I becomes Queen

    Mary was dedicated to bringing all of England back into the Roman Catholic Church and riding the country of Protestants (did this by executing protestants) hence the nickname bloddy mary
  • Sep 26, 1547

    Bible translated to English

    During the reign of Henry VIII English translations of the Bible began to appear
  • Sep 26, 1550

    A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power

    John's short treatise was a response to the crisis following the death of Edward VI. It illustrates the anguish Ponet suffered as he witnessed the collapse of the Protestant church. In this crisis, Ponet lost faith in man and put trust in God to send a minister to save the country from destruction
  • Sep 26, 1552

    Sir Edward Coke

    The principal authority on the common law during the 17th century
  • Sep 26, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes Queen

    Elizabeth Was a favored queen. She gained back most puritans who had left the country before her reign
  • Sep 26, 1579

    Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos

    "pope of the huguenots" wrote a religious writing called "Vindiciae contra Tyrannos", a defense of liberty against tyrants
  • Sep 26, 1580

    Lost colony of Roanoke

    22 years before jamestown was founded the colony of roanoke was settled. Desperate for supplies, its leader left behind colonists but when he returned the colony was lost. The only observation was the word Croaton carved on a post
  • Tudor family no longer rules England

    The Tudors, a welsh-english family who made England richer, end their reign after Elizabeth, the virgin queen, dies
  • First Stuart King "Divine Rights of Kings"

    A political theory that bestows all authority, both civil and religious, in the king and is justified by supposing that God has specifically appointed the king
  • Jamestown founded

    The first permanent english settlement in the colony of virginia. It was the capital of the colony for 83 years
  • Charles I becomes King

    Charles becomes king at age 12. He reinstates Roman Catholic practices
  • Mayflower Compact

    The people on the mayflower signed as a governing document once they anchored and before they got off the boat in massachusetts. It outlined laws of how they were going to survive once they got off the boat
  • Discource Concerning Government

    Sidney built principles of popular government from foundation of natural law and the social contract
  • Petition of Right

    An english constitutional document that describes freedoms that the king of england was not able to infringe on his subjects
  • John Locke

    A british philosopher, oxford academic and medical researcher, and economic writer
  • Harvard

    in his will, a puritan named John harvard left his library of 400 books for establishing a seminary in the boston area
  • Founding of Connecticut

    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was included. It was a document that described a government set up by towns in connecticut used to help formulate our constitution
  • English Civil War

    War between cavaliers (loyal to the king) and dissenters (felt mistreated by the king and the church of england). Sparked when Charles I began to impose his religious views throughout his kingdom
  • "Divine Right"

    the Divine Right theory states that kings have the authority to compel obedience and submission because they are God's direct representatives on earth
  • Lex Rex

    Stated that the kind was subject to God's law of nature
  • Westminister Confession

    the Westminister confession, the central creed of English Calvinists known as puritans, affirmed a Christian's right to "wage war upon just and necessary occasions"
  • King Charles I tried for treason

    King Charles was put on trial for being a traitor, murderer, and implacable enemy to the Commonwealth of England
  • Link between Puritans and the Founders

    puritans established the major colonies in the new world. come here because of religious reasons, to escape the roman catholic and influence of english religion
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord protector
  • "The Restoration"

    King Charles II crowned king. this event was called the restoration
  • James II

    When Charles II died, his brother James II took the throne
  • Glorious Revolution

    James forced from throne. Mary, the daughter of James, was offered the throne
  • The New England Primer

    The first reading primer designed for the american colonists. It was the most successful educational textbook that was the foundation for all schools
  • Salem Witch Trials

    A series of hearings to prosecute people accused of witchcraft
  • William and Mary

    fearing that their colony would lack educated clergy, virginians decided to establish a seminary on their own soil
  • Yale

    an alternative to harvard. discontented with harvard's rigid puritanism, 10 ministers founded Yale
  • Samuel Adams

    Harvard-trained boston politician. one of the earliest and loudest voices protesting the policies of King George III toward the American colonits
  • Blackstone's Commentaries

    4 volumes of treatise written by blackstone describing rights of people and things/ of private and public wrongs
  • First Great Awakening

    A religious revitalization movement that swept the Atlantic world and left a permanent impact on american religion
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence
  • Princeton

    when the religious revival known was the great awakening broke out in the mid 17th century, a fresh interest in religion blossomed in the middle colonies. as a result, more ministers were needed, and then a training ground was needed
  • Jonathan Mayhew delivers sermon

    minister from boston who coined the phrase "no taxation w/o representation" said this in a sermon. some said his sermon was the first volley of the american revolution
  • Tenstion between America and England

    Tension grew between the colonists and england when england began to impose unfair taxes
  • Boston Massacre

    an act of violence that took place in boston involving a group of colonists and british military patrolling the streets
  • Colonists' rights were not going to be protected

    when the colonists saw the king of england was not going to protect their interests, they decided to rebel
  • Boston Tea Party

    organized by samuel adams and the sons of liberty, this event took place as colonists boarded a british cargo vessel in boston harbor and disposed of its tea by throwing it overboard
  • Rights of British America

    A tract by jefferson before the Declaration of Independence in which he laid out a set of grievances against the king
  • King of England proclaimed that the colonies were "engaged in open and avowed rebellion"

    the first continental congress was a plea to parliament and resulted in a statement by the king that the colonists were in rebellion and members of congress were traitors
  • Patrick Henry's Speech

    one of the leaders of our movement for independence. one of the founding fathers, governor of virginia, remembered for "give me liberty or give me death" speech. made to the house of burgesses
  • The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America

    when the 13 states declared independence and war on england
  • State governments being formed

    states began creating their own state constitutions
  • Constitutional Convention

    also known as the philadelphia convention. addressed problems with governing of the US. the US had been operating under the articles of confederation. result was the US constitution
  • The Bill of Rights

    the name of the 1st ten amendments to the US constitution